Tuesday, May 31, 2011

victoria beckham without makeup

victoria beckham without makeup. victoria beckham without
  • victoria beckham without

  • Benguitar
    Nov 25, 11:48 PM
    Better be safe than sorry, right Benguitar? :)

    Doesn't look very safe to me.. First time you go under a bridge will probably be your last.

    Yes, Better safe than sorry. :rolleyes:

    victoria beckham without makeup. without makeup. victoria
  • without makeup. victoria

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 12:38 PM
    The US was not founded on Christianity, and some 2,000 book written by man about an invisible man in the sky should not be basis for law.

    Our Founding Fathers believed in God, proof alone is the pledge of allegiance "under god". Yes our country was founded on christian belief. Hate to say it, but it's true!

    As for the invisible man in the sky I have no clue to what you are referring.

    victoria beckham without makeup. she does with it! Victoria
  • she does with it! Victoria

  • Agaetis Byrjun
    Feb 22, 09:47 PM
    Those toolboxes are quite expensive. Any reason you chose one of those over, say, a plastic rolling cart from Ikea?

    No Ikea for about 500 miles from me. They made a ton of different series from cheap crap to the really nice stuff. Mine was the middle on the line and was $179.00 on sales.

    victoria beckham without makeup. victoria beckham without
  • victoria beckham without

  • Chris Bangle
    Sep 5, 03:13 AM
    2pm GMT

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham With No
  • Victoria Beckham With No

  • NeuralControl
    Jan 23, 10:58 PM
    My Baby

    Is that the 2011 or 2010? How is it treating you so far? Looks amazing.

    victoria beckham without makeup. Not so Posh: Victoria Beckham
  • Not so Posh: Victoria Beckham

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 12:05 PM
    I know this is off topic. But you guys and gals have got to go download the new Bob Dylan Blues Music Video Ad for iTunes pre-selling his new album "Modern Times" (http://www.apple.com/ipod/ads/dylan/). It is incredible! :eek: :cool:

    I think this is the best Ad Apple has ever delivered - bar none. I put it on single repeat in iTunes and it never gets old.

    victoria beckham without makeup. eckham without makeup.
  • eckham without makeup.

  • goobot
    May 2, 06:58 PM
    Great news, i just wish they would scan my apps and link them to the app store if i downloaded else where, i mean at least for free apps :(

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria had waved her hair
  • Victoria had waved her hair

  • ZipZap
    May 3, 04:50 AM
    i bought my first ever ipad last week............

    today while working on my macbook i touched its screen to flick through pictures...... amazing how easily we transform?

    Took 5 versions of the iphone, 1 version of the ipad and a s-load of developers to get here.

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham
  • Victoria Beckham

  • Agaetis Byrjun
    Feb 21, 08:35 PM
    Very nice.

    What music genre do you dabble in? And what monitors are those? Do they sit that flush out of the box or did you hack the stand off in favour of some armature?

    I'd say most of the stuff I do is indie rock, shoegazer and some electronic style stuff. No real strict genre.

    I have two 24" HP monitors that are on their original stands and sit like that right out of the box. You can adjust the height but I like it at the lowest, that way I get a bit more sunlight in.

    The other lone monitor is a 21" Viewsonic. That one I did remove the stock stand and now it's just sitting on a hard case that one of my microphones came in and is just leaning up against the wall. A bit ghetto but it doesn't look too bad.

    victoria beckham without makeup. without makeup. victoria
  • without makeup. victoria

  • OllyW
    Apr 10, 11:11 AM
    I've never been impressed with them but the last time I used an auto was in 1983 so I've obviously never tried any of the fancy auto shifting modern cars.

    I don't have a problem using a left hand drive car with manual gears, you just use your other hand. :D

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham Looks Awesome
  • Victoria Beckham Looks Awesome

  • jashic
    Oct 23, 07:08 PM
    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it!

    errr...how about the fact that I've been enjoying my MBP for months now while you've been waiting and replying on this board for those same months on whatever ancient machine you currently own? I dunno about you, but I've enjoyed these months of screaming performance while on the road. But hopefully for you, the months of checking this website on a daily basis wishing you had a MBP pays off this week.

    victoria beckham without makeup. victoria beckham without
  • victoria beckham without

  • garybUK
    Feb 24, 03:13 AM
    Hold it right there! The Kia models sold in Europe actually nowadays borrow from the current Hyundai Motor Company parts bin, and as such are way more civilized cars. Anyone who's driven the Kia Cee'd hatchback in Europe know it's a way better car than people think.

    Your using Hyundai to make Kia/Chevy seem a good car?! hah, the ONLY good Hyundai is the Coupe, all the others are pretty nasty.

    Most of the dealerships here lump Proton, Hyundai and Kia... why? they are cheap cars for mums and old people that goto the supermarket, they are no where near upto the quality of the big german cars. Even most jap cars are pretty rubbish to be honest, even Honda dealers are shutting down left, right and centre, GM (Opel/Vauxhall's) new Astra's and the other bigger horrible thing, seem to have just styled them on the Japanese cars... yuk! World cars do not work, different markets want different things.

    victoria beckham without makeup. Celebrities without make up
  • Celebrities without make up

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 19, 11:12 AM
    Finally! An iMac rumor!!!!


    One can't never have enough iMac rumours! What a breath of fresh air.

    Please, please, please let the refreshed iMac drop the May 3rd (I *highly* doubt any new iMac's will be released next week).

    victoria beckham without makeup. victoria beckham without
  • victoria beckham without

  • hansolo669
    Feb 20, 10:28 PM
    It is time to drink the intel Kool-aid my friend

    now not to start a ppc vs intel flame war. but if it serves his purposes just fine why would he switch? for example my MDD works amazingly well and if it had a better graphics card it would be my main machine; why? because when you run software that is optimized for ppc (and most pro apps still are) they are blazing fast. as far as i can recall i could run fcp at a speed that rivaled my 13 mbp (before its gfx card died). anyway don't take this personally :P just pointing out a fact.

    (if this starts a flame war i will seriously smack myself XD :p)

    victoria beckham without makeup. victoria beckham without
  • victoria beckham without

  • umu
    Jan 1, 05:46 PM
    How about some kind of iSight?

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham looks
  • Victoria Beckham looks

  • skunk
    Mar 27, 08:21 PM
    Why is he a douche? Because he uses metaphoric language? He seems like a qualified high level guest. And he didn't say "US European Command". YOU are the one who introduced those "2 letters". I'm just quoting what he said.There is no such thing as a European Command run by Europeans, any more than there is an African Command run by an African. They are both branches of the US military command. Your comment that "even" the European Command was run by an American was foolish in the extreme.

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham Without
  • Victoria Beckham Without

  • roadbloc
    May 3, 09:02 AM
    THE KILLER FEATURE! :rolleyes:

    Seriously, clicking and holding, pressing an x and then confirming sounds a hell of a lot harder than dragging to the trash. This is change for iOS's sake.

    victoria beckham without makeup. Victoria Beckham leaving gym
  • Victoria Beckham leaving gym

  • savar
    Nov 15, 11:57 AM
    31% is a little disappointing for 2x the number of cores. I'm hoping that particular benchmark isn't particularly tuned for multiple cores. I was thinking 60-70% would be more likely. I don't see where all the overhead is coming from. Or it because these aren't true quad-core, but really just dual-duals on the same wafer?

    victoria beckham without makeup. without makeup. victoria
  • without makeup. victoria

  • Abstract
    Feb 22, 07:50 PM
    A bit off-topic, but why haven't car manufacturers created hybrid cars that use a diesel engine + battery? There are lots of petrol-electric hybrids, but not diesel. :confused:

    Aug 19, 11:29 PM
    Regardless of what Bluetooth will be meant for on the iPod -- Sirius, transmission to Bluetooth headphones, or just syncing with Bluetooth Macs -- what I'm looking forward to is a bigger screen. I think Bluetooth is a logical step since iMacs now have Bluetooth built in, but I don't expect iPods to go Bluetooth until at least 2 more major upgrades. First the larger screen, then Bluetooth, maybe. I am just crossing my fingers that when Apple does put Bluetooth in iPods, they don't eliminate other means of connectivity. Keep iPods compatible with non-Bluetooth Macs, Apple, please!

    Apr 26, 01:52 PM
    Amazon is not a generic term. It is, however, the name of a single river on planet Earth...among a few other names/uses ("the Amazon", "Amazon basin", "Amazon Women").

    Where else have you seen/heard the term Amazon in a generic sense? Some examples of a generic term are (at least have been generic over the past 75+ years):

    light bulb


    besides others !!

    Mar 27, 03:01 PM
    >modern warfare 2

    >hardcore gamer

    OH WOW

    dude, it's where the money is - granted the franchise is getting run into the ground with yearly releases, but that's activision's call.

    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    There is a difference between being realistic about devices and having your head in the clouds. I LOVE my apple gear and can't wait to get an ipad, but I am realistic in it's capability - it certainly isn't going to replace anything as a main device for gamers.

    The iPad isn't the Jesus device that will be the be all and end all of tech....

    Aug 24, 06:52 PM
    Maybe dual optical drives like the Mac pro. This is getting standard on Macs obviously.



    the Mac Pro is one thing, but you wont see dual optical drives in an iMac much less a Mini, there's no point 4 the standard consumer market.

    Jan 1, 07:04 PM
    Where did you find that image? Are there others?

    Its on the Apple.com front page

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