Monday, May 30, 2011

stargazer lily wedding

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  • imnotatfault
    Aug 19, 09:09 AM
    I disagree with pretty much everything you said here Manic Mouse :D.

    I really hope the iPod doesn't go down the line of convergence/frankenstein/jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. It's a solid music player and it's main priority should be as such. In my experience with work colleagues and parents/in-laws the iPod is almost bordering on being too difficult as it is just with just music and video. Many never bother with video or podcasts or even firmware updates because they perceive it to be too complex. Adding slide-out keyboards, larger/deeper navigation menus, wifi connections, and email configuration would probably push it over the edge as far as being too technologically intimidating for most. Not to mention the size sacrifice.

    Apple may bring something else to the market to compete if there really is a decent market for devices like the Mylo (which I'm personally not too sure there is).

    Only if the device was separate from the iPod, which stayed truer to its roots, and more importantly, there was some sort of higher integration. Like the proposed built-in dock the mac mini would have. I still miss that.

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  • Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:36 AM
    Its good that you are at least suspicious of apple's actions. There has to be a reason why apple inc still has not responded to this. BTW, before someone asks, no I do not have an android or other smart phone as they could be worse at spying than iphone.

    my guess is ... it is some future AdSpam thing Apple wants to implement such as how FaceBook and Google use to make money.

    They goofed by not encrypting it and will likely change that

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  • CJS7070
    Nov 26, 05:34 PM

    =] bought it on Tuesday, of course it had to rain on Wednesday so that's why it's all dirty >.>

    More pictures when it's clean :P

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  • mr.suff
    Feb 22, 03:51 AM
    Way back in early 2008.

    24" 7,1 iMac and a base 1,1 MacBook Air

    Right now. Literally just set up the Dell 27"

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  • DeSnousa
    Apr 14, 02:26 AM
    :eek: That much, what are modern computers pumping out these days! What would be producing the most points per day? I'm thinking about buying a graphics card just to fold on if that is the case :D

    Also how do you find the GPU I have had to limit mine down to 70% as I find it interferes with the effects that Windows 7 does.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 10, 07:33 PM
    Americans mostly don't get the allure of a rallye type car. Ovals and 1/4 mile are about as sophisticated as we can manage. :p

    So very sad but true. F1 fan here, and rally if I can ever find time to watch it. I might not be a F1 fan for much longer though if they keep making "the ultimate racing machine" slower and slower by limiting the technology :mad: I understand the safety reasons, but its getting to be worse than the bicycle world:eek:

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  • noriyori
    Nov 29, 03:02 PM
    I would just hope they would have video streaming like the slingbox so you can access all of your content from where ever you may be around the globe.

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  • albusseverus
    Jun 23, 08:25 AM
    Lay the iMac on it's back, and it all becomes clear. There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to touch your computer screen. A wedge shaped iMac is the best of both worlds�touch screen for moving stuff around and an optional keyboard for bulk text entry and keyboard shortcut commands.

    Then the whole Apple line becomes different sized "tablets". 3.5", 10", 13", 15", 17", 22", 27", 30" Didn't Apple take control of the Tablet Mac trademark ( recently? Optional keyboard. The bigger the machine, the more full featured the Mac OS you get.

    I just hope the rumour is confused and we get a proper Touch Mac OS, not either or. I suppose you could stand it up and use a keyboard and mouse, but who'd bother if they have a nice 22" touch screen to work with?

    Problem is, Apple can't even manage to get Finder or iTunes to be full-Cocoa, so what are the chances they've figured out how to do a proper Touch Mac OS UI given their fascination with the 'new markets' of iPad and iPhone?
    (maybe this is why, don't waste effort on mouse OS X when a touch OS is so close � if only�)

    I'd dearly love to see Apple 'test the water' with a Touch iMac, but it had better be a well thought-out MacOS, not a printerless, fontless, filesystemless iOS botched job.

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  • chukronos
    Sep 7, 01:37 PM
    I think it will have to be a rental or stream service. There is no way I would pay $14.99 for a lower quality movie at the same price I would pay for a DVD at circuit city or best buy. I know Steve Jobs has been fighting with the movie companies to have a uniform price. Unfortunately, these companies get pretty greedy and don't see the big picture.

    I also don't think apple would put out an option, like $14.99 downloads, when that doesn't make sense.

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  • Skb3735
    Apr 2, 08:33 PM
    Keep up that attitude and continue wondering why no one talks with you as you type on your laptop in the middle of the coffee shop across from De Anza college. Sure, you may have helped get DB2 started and you still work in a DOS window but don't blame your wife for leaving you as you worked late at night too long. How much of the money from the IPO went to family attorney and court fees?

    Wow that's a little extreme

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  • ctt1wbw
    Nov 24, 06:58 PM
    Probably the nicest Mac Twitter client I've ever used.

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  • UberMac
    Jan 1, 07:04 PM
    Prettyful picture from hompage


    *eyes glaze over*

    Me likes!


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  • dalvin200
    Oct 23, 09:33 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    same here..

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  • igazza
    Sep 15, 06:59 AM
    5 days 19 hours of talking on my iphone 4 :cool:

    2 dropped calls i can remember

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  • hayesk
    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    Supposedly the guy behind this new version is also the criminal that destroyed iMovie a few years back. God I hope FC8 isn't ANYTHING like iMovie. Old editors are too set in our ways to switch over to a iMovie/Sony Vegas style of editing. I need a preview window, and a Timeline Window. Just like when I edited on tape.

    When you get to a point when you refuse change just because it's change, it's probably time to retire.

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  • SciFrog
    Feb 9, 05:35 PM
    Was crunching for another team before. The stats from Berkley show the aggregate as do some tools like the FAH Wudget.

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  • Nipz
    Jun 23, 06:00 AM
    This why iPad 4.0 has been delayed?

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  • islanders
    Jan 2, 08:42 AM
    Have you guys seen how small the Nano is? It is very simple interface. I could see this being incorporated into a phone and still be very simple interface, small, and useful.

    Some people would want an everything device for the subway or those times when your stuck in line, traffic or whatever.

    I think a lot of these extra features are more of an added value that don�t compromise the primary function.

    Who knows some kind of voice recognition text messaging, do everything device that as small as an iPod.

    Is it going to happen? Probably not. But this is fun part, and with Apple anything is possible.

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  • ssn637
    Mar 31, 02:41 AM
    Can we perform a clean installation with DP2 or do we have to first install DP1? I just deleted the original Lion installation image from my backup drive, thinking I could restore the DP2 image to an external drive and boot from there. But it looks more like this requires Lion DP1. How do I download DP1 again from the AppStore if I need it? :(

    Sep 6, 06:22 PM
    Yes. I want rentals. I almost never want to see the same movie again, so I won't want to store it.

    Rentals are what I would use. At a sufficiently low price, of course. $2 for close to DVD quality would be OK. (I'm less picky about rental quality than purchase quality.)

    Seems a lot of people are agreeing with this. If they don't have a netflix style rental model then I can't see myself using the movie store at all. If they do have rentals, then I'll say bye-bye to netflix the same day.

    Having read all the rumours, I'm not holding out much hope... :(

    Sep 1, 12:02 PM
    I think this rumor should be taken with a grain of salt. It seems highly unlikely a 23 inch imac would emerge (or even should emerge). ;)

    I couldn't disagree with you more.

    This size represents the iMac that can display Full resolution 1080p HD content. If they introduce this and then eventually throw a Blu-ray in there they've got the killer combination. Front Row is already setup to be a home-theatre replacement. I mean come on, it's basically an's 1080p, it's got a remote, and it's got front row... This will sell like crack... Digital crack...

    Apr 22, 11:38 AM
    Does the classic have the tracking software too, or is it just the Touch?

    Apr 13, 02:07 AM
    PS i really think that apple is powerfully positioning themselves by selling final cut so cheap. Now you can justify paying more for a Mac box because the software is so much less than the competition. Brilliant if you ask me - make software cheap, sell more macs and cost kick your competition out of the market.
    Nothing really new here as this as been Apple's MO for at least a decade. All of the iApps (iMovie, iPhoto, etc.,) used to be totally free and when FCP cost $999 by itself an Avid would put you back $70,000 on the low end. Shake, LiveType, DVD Studio Pro, Color, etc., were all programs acquired by Apple and sold at a significantly lower price than what they were prior to Apple's acquisition.


    Jan 6, 03:49 PM
    My teggy

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