Tuesday, May 31, 2011

sad love quotes for him from heart

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 1, 02:43 PM
    if it gets bigger, does it get thinner?

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  • .Andy
    Aug 24, 06:21 PM
    Almost shelled out Monday for a top of the liner mini. Glad I didn't get around to it. A 2 Duo in the low end and it will make a fantastic media center. Even better if they include a superdrive (unlikely :(). Have to wait and see....

    sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him from heart. quotes on broken heart in; quotes on broken heart in. slinger1968. Oct 27, 02:39 AM. Yeah I#39;d love one too.
  • sad love quotes for him from heart. quotes on broken heart in; quotes on broken heart in. slinger1968. Oct 27, 02:39 AM. Yeah I#39;d love one too.

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Jan 23, 02:34 PM
    deff early 90's/late 80's... I'm going to go with accord?

    yup 89 accord with 42,000 miles in it, 5 speed manual :D

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  • jeanlain
    Apr 6, 05:51 PM
    I can't even edit an audio clip in quicklime (10.1). This looks like a regression because Quicktime X allows trimming in 10.6.

    EDIT: scratch that, I wasn't looking in the right menu. It works fine.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 3, 04:16 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Android 2.3.3; Linux; Opera Mobi/ADR-1103311355; U; en-GB) Presto/2.7.81 Version/11.00)

    Infinitely better than the "If you don't have an iPhone" ads.

    Really good IMO.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:50 PM
    AMD's CPU's are trash and they're cheap for a reason.

    For someone who doesn't use Windows you sure seem interested in Windows only API's. Love all of those OpenCL applications you listed by the way. ;)

    I am not interested in Windows APIs. That's how the hardware capabilities are referred to. OpenGL has tended to lag in new features, so if the hardware has extra capabilities, it will probably support some future OpenGL version too.

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  • McKellar
    Nov 23, 04:12 AM
    Typical. Are they 2.33 and 2.66GHz models Aiden? Got links?

    SideNote: The Madonna Concert in HD on NBC tonight is groundbreaking broadcast television. One of the most amazing telecasts I have ever seen-heard. I am a huge Madonna fan though. :D Tony Bennett's special last night also on NBC was an amazing HD composition as well.

    I just had a (very) brief look, Dell seems to be offering Cloverton in their Precision workstations, but only the low-end E5320 1.86Ghz model:


    I imagine that Apple probably won't use this model in the Mac Pro or Xserves, and are probably waiting on the faster versions to be available in greater quantities, as it seems that they might be in short supply if Dell's only offering the slowest version.

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  • takao
    Mar 4, 06:12 PM
    But not the brand image... that could perhaps be the biggest stumbling block of all, it certainly is in Europe anyway.

    Personally... I don't think GM have a clue, and that's one of the reasons why they got themselves into one almighty hell of a mess, and only time will tell if they can get themselves out of it. I'm still of the opinion that GM's decision to attempt to introduce Chevrolet into the European market will ultimately prove futile.

    the Daewoo -> Chevrolet re-branding in europe has been more or less the best business move GM has made perhaps in the last decade
    with every "had been Daewoo" model getting replaced over the years sales picked up ... even more so in eastern europe
    sure their styling isn't bold o nthe interieur and on the front of the cars very US taste like but i suspect the korean Chevrolet brand is the safest in their whole portfolio

    what is really their big trainwreck is still Opel. Their "bail us out ... no wait .. yeah bail us out .. not on your conditions .. we are ready to sign the deal any minute .. except we are not" theather they played with the german government tarnished their brand for years to coem especially in the heads of workers and lower middle class
    their bread-n-butter models Astra and Corsa has just been upgraded but as soon as "cash for clunkers" programs ended their sales tanked hard
    especially as opel lacks any brand positioning at all: are they a cheap brand or a premium brand, a sporty one or a comforty one ? Opel as all over the place and tries to sell cars in every space possible

    which is in a contrast to the japanese/korean brands which in europe over the last few years streamlined a lot: nearly all brands stopped offering premium sedans or upper market offerings and rather concentrated on SUVs/ crossovers and small offroaders and small minivans, compacts or small hatchbacks
    just try looking for an affordable coupe-sedan styled car... or any other 'sporty' looking car below 25.000 euro which isn't a hatchback

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  • DamnItsHot
    Apr 21, 05:06 PM
    I think it is interesting that he says the data is easily accessible by "criminals and bad actors". As a politician he has a high probability of fitting in the criminal category and so far as his so called acting goes he definitely fits that category. Could he have been looking in the mirror when he spewed this garbage?

    Couldn't make it as an actor so he went into a lower tier - politics. ;)

    sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him; sad love quotes for him. gnasher729. Oct 28, 01:19 PM
  • sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him; sad love quotes for him. gnasher729. Oct 28, 01:19 PM

  • fertilized-egg
    Mar 24, 11:09 AM
    For those of us with large libraries or store our music in uncompressed or at higher bit rates, the Classic is the only game in town.

    There are still some quality HDD MP3s, most notably the Cowon X7, http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/01/cowon-x7-pmp-review/

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  • rickdollar
    Apr 19, 02:55 PM
    The logical thing would to mirror the recent MBP refresh. I really dont think they would include USB 3.0 ports until Ivy Bridge.

    It doesn't look like it according to the quote but he was referring to Ivy Bridge.

    sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him from; sad love quotes for him from. Lennholm. May 2, 10:30 AM
  • sad love quotes for him from heart. sad love quotes for him from; sad love quotes for him from. Lennholm. May 2, 10:30 AM

  • ajiuo
    Apr 9, 07:16 PM
    WOW!!! iCal looks *********g UGLY... I hope they add an option to use a standard gray toolbar area... That seems so unlike apple to do something like that.

    Heh.. What if they give everything that look :). I think I would switch to windows if they did that..

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  • Evangelion
    Jul 14, 12:22 PM
    From what I recall, Philips began working on the compact disk project and Sony later on joined them in that venture.

    It was originally made by Philips, but the CD we know today is a Philips/Sony Co-Op.

    And, regarding the BetaMax... It was actually quite succesfull. Yes, it failed in consumer-space, but it's still being used in television-productions.

    Just keep in mind Sony's hit/miss ratio for standardization.;)

    Is it REALLY that bad? BetaMax wasn 't really a failure, since it's widely used even today. It's just not used by consumers. Sony was very important in creating the CD. They do have to misses that can't be denied: Memory Stick and MiniDisk.

    Other companies might have less misses in these things, but we must acknowledge that none of them has been as active in coming up with alternatives. I haven't really seen Matsushita (for example) try to come up with new stuff. Sony has tried to come up with new stuff. Some of the succeeded, some of them failed.

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  • capran
    Nov 15, 04:26 PM
    I guess this is fairly boring news for gamers, if Quake is any indication...

    Yes. Games are mostly designed for single CPU, single core at this point. The Mac Pro is overkill for gaming, and I hear FB-DIMMs are detrimental to gaming performance too.

    I just want a headless Mac that's more powerful than the Mini, and not as expensive as the Pro and as "workstation-ish", i.e. it should use standard desktop parts like Conroe and DDR2, and includes at least one 16x PCI-E slot that can fit, power, and cool the latest gaming cards.

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  • Snowy_River
    Nov 15, 11:31 AM
    ...Most applications are mutli-threaded that isnt the issue. The difference between 4-core and 8-core will be negligible as you can see from the benchmarks...

    Uh... maybe we were looking at two different articles.

    First off, most applications are not multi-threaded. It's only Pro level applications that tend to be, and even there, there are plenty that aren't. So, multi-threading is an issue.

    Second, you say that the difference between 4-core and 8-core is negligible? Take a look at the PyMOL molecular modeling rendering performance! Under OS X with 4-cores, it took 11.18 seconds, whereas with 8-cores it took 6.8 seconds. That's a raw improvement of about 65%! It's a clock speed weighted improvement of about 85%! How on Earth can you consider gains like THAT negligible?!?


    Edit: Corrected a math error.

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  • MacRumors
    Mar 25, 03:34 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2011/03/25/real-racing-2-hd-for-ipad-2-to-gain-1080p-video-out-with-dual-displays/)

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  • jxyama
    Mar 19, 03:29 PM
    this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the worlds says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

    i highly doubt that many computer buyers even look at Macs.

    i don't think they look at iMacs or eMacs and think that they are crippled compared to PMs and decide to go get dells instead. i simply don't believe that many of them go that far.

    most of them "know" computers as running windows and purchased from dell catalog they get with their newspaper each week.

    if they know anything about Macs at all, they know Macs as expensive and upon seeing that the base model eMacs cost $800, they go back to ordering $400 dell.

    mac's marketshare has dwindled - that's a fact - but i don't think it's because customers think iMacs and eMacs are crippled computers. i think it's because they are simply unaware of Macs or think they are too expensive, period, not in comparison to PMs.

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  • Edge100
    Sep 1, 12:18 PM
    I think so, sounds amazing. Makes my 20 seem puny!

    Mine's bigger than yours!! :)

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  • MacPhilosopher
    Sep 14, 12:01 PM
    My reception experience has been significantly better since upgrading to the 4. I've dropped fewer than 5 calls in a month in my home in which I normally drop every call I am on longer than a minute. I have reception in my workplace that I refer to as the cell phone vortex. Once in the door I usually drop all bars, but now I can get reception deep in the building.

    Mar 25, 03:54 PM
    Wow! This looks insane!! I didn't realise that the iPad was so powerful!

    Makes me want one more now :(!

    Jun 22, 02:55 PM
    My goodness...

    I'm just hoping Apple continues to make a few machines that can do actual design and coding work.

    A touchscreen iPad, iPhone or touchscreen "anything" really doesn't work for that.

    Some of us love Apple gear but actually want to get some efficient and creative work done.

    Note to Apple: Not every device has to be a whiz-bang, wow 'em at Best Buy, touchscreen device with more reflection than a mirror and finger smudges all over it.

    Speaking of which...The Mac Pro ever getting updated again Apple?

    Nov 29, 07:53 PM
    I'm glad that he confirmed this. Otherwise Macworld in January would be memorable for all the wrong reasons.

    Mr. Jobs finished his keynote with the startling admission that there is nothing left: "That's all folks! We've got nothing else in development. See you in 2010."

    I'm tellin' ya! I'm in the wrong business. Forget all this deadline - get product out carp. Get in to journalism where all you need to do is restate the obvious with a few well-placed typos, and Bob's your uncle.

    Ahhh! I'm blind!


    Mar 23, 04:38 PM
    lots, Bluetooth, WIFI (for internet radio), design..

    Here's my classic mockup

    Really nice work. Bravo.

    As I have said in past threads, I'm happy to hear that Apple plans on keeping the Classic around for a bit longer, as it truly is the best music player on the market for serious audiophiles.

    Apr 10, 11:15 AM
    I've obviously never tried any of the fancy auto shifting modern cars.

    My KIA has selectronic shifting, and it's fun to go "over there", now and then. ;)

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