Tuesday, May 31, 2011

justin bieber 2011 haircut pics

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  • Macinposh
    Aug 26, 03:54 AM
    Apple needs something between the horribly constrained MiniMac, and the preposterously huge ProMac.

    A Conroe (64-bit, single-socket, dual-core) system would fit the bill....

    Aiden,or others.

    What do you think about the rumours that a single socket Conroe thanks to it�s superior memory handling effiency (~70%?) compared to Xeons DB-Dimm�s lousy (~25?) might crush a dual socket Xeon in memory intesive tasks, like photoshop.

    Have you heard seen any data on that one,exept the specuatlion on Anandtech?
    Any idea if the upcoming products (CS3 for example) might find a way to utilize the FB-Dims more efficiently, or is the problems so prevalent,that it cant be overcome with anything?

    Because that might be the deathblow to the Pizza-Mac.

    Apple definately wouldn want a cheaper/weaker product to equal or crush it�s workstations in any area. Let alone on one that is considered it is pride,DTP.


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 7, 01:34 PM
    All this said, I've never needed any additive myself, car is never garaged, and has never failed to start as of yet.

    A neighbor of mine drives a ratty looking 4th generation Jetta TDI. She has it on an engine block heater, not sure what she does to prevent gelling but it works just fine, and we've had sustained temperatures well below -10F.

    So while it may require steps to be taken to prevent fuel gelling, diesels will run just fine at very low temperatures.

    Was only a young kid when that Focus was around.......

    Anyway, when the current US Focus debuted back in 1999 I believe it was, it wasn't a bad car. In typical bad Ford fashion, it was left to rot on the vine. It got a heavy redesign/MCE for the 2008/9 MY I believe it was, but it was too late. The 2012 Focus is so much better. Although I prefer the Chevy Cruze.

    My brother has a Mk1 3-door hatch Focus with the 2.0L Zetec four, and while I'm not a huge fan of the driving position I think is a great little car and miles ahead of what GM was making at the time. Unfortunately, Ford kept the Mk1 for sale in the US (with only facelifts) for way too long, and towards the end of its run it was pretty dated. The new one is a very nice car, and the arrival of the Fiesta really strengthens Ford's small-car lineup.

    I imagine that Ford will be keeping an eye on GM's diesel Cruze (if it happens) to gauge popularity. A diesel Focus or Fiesta would be a good addition to the lineup. I may be wrong, but I think that Ford uses their own diesel engine in the European Focus.

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  • ingenious
    Apr 7, 09:10 AM
    Thats not true ! Ive been reading everyone's posts but you just don't want to see both sides of the story. I just want Apple to do better...

    Look at this business weekly online story about Apple - very interesting


    really, this is what Ive been taking about...I think that most Mac users don't want to hear it

    and this one too


    ok, YOU listen to "our side" of the story now!!!!! The point is, apple is NOT dying, they do not need saving, blah blah blah. just read the 100 posts above mine explaining this to you, but you refusing to listen. If you want apple to do better, then think that and leave the rest of us alone. I myself wouldn't mind having more of my contacts using a mac so i wouldn't have to do tech support for them all the time, but then again, that would cut down on people who force money on me for it..... :D

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  • Surely
    Nov 27, 03:42 PM
    Stop buying things for yourself! 'Tis the season of giving, you know.


    I bought my 7 month old son a crapload of toys and clothes at Babies R Us and The Carter's Store yesterday.

    I deserve a token item......

    /if I was in Toronto right now, I'd go to Gandhi's on Queen West for roti........

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. Justin Bieber 2011 Hairstyle
  • Justin Bieber 2011 Hairstyle

  • LarryC
    Mar 4, 02:39 PM
    In the US, there's one key reason why small cars don't sell (above and beyond the reasons I already listed), and that is that popular wisdom holds that you will die in a small car when someone in a large SUV or truck hits you. It's a self-fulfilling prophesy as people buy big cars because they don't feel safe in small ones, with the result that they become part of the "problem". Ultimately it's down to selfishness. Apparently people would rather kill someone else in an accident than risk being killed themselves.

    It's idiotic, but this "wisdom" will only be unlearned slowly. Smaller cars are much safer now then they once were - safer than trucks and SUVs.

    Do you have any supporting evidence to back up this claim of yours that small cars are safer than trucks and SUV's? It might be selfish in your eyes that I bought an SUV for my wife to drive around in, I call it being being protective and reasonable! I should also add that I drive a 2009 Dodge RAM and I love it!

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut.
  • justin bieber 2011 haircut.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 09:19 AM
    "App Store" is a trademarked name of a particular store. "appstore," or "app store" in generic terms and context is a description of a particular thing. How hard is it for these companies to understand that that's possible? Just the same as "Windows" vs. "windows." Actually, I think they do get it, but they don't want "App Store" associated only w/ Apple so they can jump on the bandwagon and (continue to try to) confuse consumers.

    Capitalization does not impact trademarks like you claim. "App Store" is the same as "app store".

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut
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  • Cosmo M3
    Nov 27, 07:40 AM
    It was my annual Black Friday "Buy a ton of video games" day today. Most of them on sale quite a lot, so it worked out nicely. I got 6 really awesome games for just over $100....

    Fallout: New Vegas - $35
    Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - $30
    Need For Speed: Shift - $10
    Plants vs Zombies - $15
    Pac Man: CE-DX - $10
    'Splosion Man - $2 :eek:

    http://imgur.com/S5am1.jpg http://imgur.com/SPJU3.jpg http://imgur.com/FTmDy.jpg

    http://imgur.com/67VbI.jpg http://imgur.com/9eJ7v.jpg http://imgur.com/i7KPZ.jpg

    SHIFT was a terrible game.

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut
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  • Fukui
    Mar 26, 04:25 PM
    Yes, Apple made this browser before M$ IE was pulled, but it was obvious that M$ would be pulling it long before they announced it. With the integratioin of IE into windows it was only a matter of time and if Apple had waited until the announcement they would have been so far behind that the mainstream would have suffered. Safari is just now getting up to speed on its accessability to most web pages- and I even still have major accessability problems with some financial pages and registering at some other types of pages. Most people don't know about the alternative browsers out there such as Mozilla, etc. so it would have proved devestating to Apple had they not been on the ball with Safari. They just know netscape, IE and now safari. I think iMac-Japan's comment on this particular issue is partly true as is your Calebj14.

    I don't think MS dropping IE was because of Apple's market share.
    Its more to do with longhorn and the mixing of web api's and desktop api's
    (.NET) so that there is no distinction between an application that runs on the web (IE) or run from your desktop, thats why its canceled further development for Windows XP and lower.

    In longhorn, the Api's that you use for displaying web pages (java say goodbye) are the same ones that are bolted ONLY TO LONGHORN. To continue MSIE development on mac wouldn't work because then mac has all the same Api's as Longhorn, and MS wouldn't want that...besides, MSIE was more of a gesture than anything else, since it never supported activeX wich was the only real major reason for needing IE6...

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut
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  • head honcho 123
    Apr 19, 11:10 AM
    The iMac update is likely to be a spec bump, Sandy Bridge, better Graphics, etc...plus Thunderbolt. I plan to hang on to my current model for now.

    I am more excited about a potential Mac Mini Update, because I need one of those.

    same here (mac mini wise)

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut
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  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    ^^ Ach, Miata. *shudder*

    I try, as a rule, not to drive or ride in a car smaller than myself. :D

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. Justin Bieber 2011 Haircut
  • Justin Bieber 2011 Haircut

  • Eidorian
    Aug 25, 09:11 AM
    Merom thread, etc...


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  • Zoddino
    Mar 31, 11:48 AM
    Sadly can't help (sorry) but is there any way you could post the background image of mt fuji on its own? Its lovely :)


    it's here, i posted it a few posts before ;)

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut.
  • justin bieber 2011 haircut.

  • shanmui1
    Aug 25, 03:55 AM
    Sheesh! Do we really have to wait 'til May before we can buy any more Mac minis? This smacks of serious mis-management!! :eek:

    i think this is what they r talking about?


    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut.
  • justin bieber 2011 haircut.

  • Wang Foolio
    Mar 25, 04:25 PM
    There's a reason why you don't see millions of people snatching up copies of Call of Duty for the Wii or handhelds. As has been mentioned before, there are tons of genres that still require the precision of a controller, or simply buttons. Something like Dragon Age is hard enough without a keyboard.

    That being said, underestimating the casual gamer market is a big mistake. I think a lot of analysts enjoyed the taste of foot after the Kinect sold a bajillion units in its first couple of months. The Penny Arcade guys were right, the sales figures are inversely proportional to the nerd rage over the idea of casual gaming on a console. Kinect was subjected to some serious hate, but is making MS a ton of money.

    justin bieber 2011 haircut pics. justin bieber 2011 haircut
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  • ValSalva
    Jun 22, 01:21 PM
    Secondly - why? Is taking your hand off of a mouse to touch the safari icon on the screen somehow easier than just clicking on it with the cursor? Is there some advantage to typing by touching the screen rather than a keyboard?

    Exactly. When did the keyboard and mouse become public enemy number 1? These technologies have been perfected over years and years of real use.

    If Apple introduces a touch iMac it's clearly a money grab, to sucker the public into thinking touch is somehow superior when in fact it is vastly inferior on a desktop monitor.

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  • MacRumors
    Jun 22, 11:46 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/2010/06/22/apple-to-launch-ios-enabled-imac-with-touch-interface/)


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  • lordonuthin
    Dec 22, 04:31 PM
    I had two of them (on two different machines) just stop, all eight cores using 0% CPU.

    Prior to that I'd get one done about 2 days early (with killer points) on each machine.

    So I've restarted the client (dumped prefs/reinstalled F@H) on each machine and now have a completion date of ~12/25 (fingers crossed) for both machines.

    Congrats to twoodcc for hitting the 3 mil mark!

    I've found that starting from scratch sometimes fixes things, so hopefully that will work, good luck!

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  • Fwink!
    Mar 22, 04:36 PM
    The suggestion that they will kill a product that has a great niche is kinda silly. My classic still gets plenty of use. A music player doesn't need a touchscreen. though I could see them doing that, changing the form factor a bit. One of the things that kept me from buying a touch when they came out was the limited storage capacity. What I see them doing is thinning the classic down, keeping the scroll wheel, using flash storage and adding airplay functionality. Big hds on portable players are nice but at some level you have to admit, there are very few people who legitimately "own" that much music. And Apple who should remain neural and just make the devices does like to act as ethical gatekeeper. As things shift to cloud storage, first will come non linear access to media, and then slowly but surely accountability and a polite but insistent offer to purchase the rights to all that music you seem to have that you don't have a receipt for from Apple.

    mark it.

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  • kobyh15
    Apr 2, 09:39 PM
    Just saw it on tv. Fantastic.

    Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 11:36 AM
    Actually, you can get Sirius in Canada and are able to stream Sirius anywhere in the world IF you have an account registered in the US. I've heard of many international customers setting up accounts to listen abroad.

    I'm just saying that I think the two would compliment each other nicely. You could use the service as just an ipod, a receiver for Sirius or BOTH.

    Thats far too complicated for Apple.

    Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 10:09 PM
    Wikipedia states the Toyota Prius 3rd Gen gets a combined AFE of 50 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Prius#Third_generation_.28XW30.3B_2009.E2.80.93present.29) mpg (4.7L US gallons) if the diesel Cruze gets 37/48, that would give it a median AFE of 42.5 — 85% of what the Prius gets.

    Against this you have to factor in the presumably lower cost of the Cruze, somewhat higher performance, lower cost to maintain, and lack of the battery pack with all it's complexity, carbon footprint, and cost.

    Sep 23, 08:25 PM

    Consumer Reports used to influence my opinion, but when they actually rank things I know a little about, I always find fault with their methods and so they really aren't that influential to me anymore. I mean if their methods stink on the categories I know of, they probably stink for the categories I don't know about.

    Apr 10, 12:13 AM
    My fiancee and I both have stick shift cars. :cool:

    Apr 3, 01:42 PM
    Apple is not trying to rub it in your face to other companies, but more important it is using the subtle nuance of the product as it targets partners into coming on board with the iPad, iPad2.

    I actually think this isn't apples best ad. I mean there is nothing wrong with it, but I usually expect more from apple.

    They better make another ipad 2 ad, because this is there only one

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