Tuesday, May 31, 2011

smiley faces wallpaper

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  • ~Shard~
    Nov 23, 06:34 AM
    SideNote: The Madonna Concert in HD on NBC tonight is groundbreaking broadcast television. One of the most amazing telecasts I have ever seen-heard.

    The fact that it is in HD? I suppose so. The concert itself groundbreaking? Well, hopefully that's not what you meant or else you've obviously never seen a show across the pond... :p ;) :cool:

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Face Wallpapers
  • Smiley Face Wallpapers

  • AaronMT
    Nov 23, 02:52 PM
    A month renew of World of Warcraft. Haven't played in three years, and just installed the mac client.

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley faces wallpaper.
  • smiley faces wallpaper.

  • Dont Hurt Me
    Sep 1, 02:52 PM
    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.Apple still needs to sell a not overpriced cube, Millions,perhaps billions have monitors that are just fine. What they need is a machine between near nothing Mini and workstation MacPro. Its been said a million times so here it is again.:)

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Face
  • Smiley Face

  • ipearx
    Aug 7, 05:48 AM
    An iPhone, not as a cell phone, but as a landline skype style wifi cordless phone to go with iChat. Wouldn't that make sense for Apple to make? Ties in with their computers & iLife, would work in all countries, and would be easy, and possibly cheap for them to make.

    Steve Jobs, would probably want want to make a phone that transitions seamlessly between indoor wifi and the cell networks.

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley face wallpaper.
  • smiley face wallpaper.

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 05:31 PM
    People on this board claim "app store" is generic and so the trademark is invalid. Yet the trademark application process proceeded to the point that Apple was approved to begin using it.

    If the people claiming "app store" cannot be trademarked for the same reasons they claim "pet store" cannot be trademarked were to be believed, then this is a cut and dry case. Yet if it were as simple as they claim, apple's application process would not have made it this far.

    So take their words with a grain of salt.

    In the end, Apple may lose the trademark. But considering the fact that placing the word "the" in front of a seemingly generic name appears to make a difference, perhaps apple should apply for "the app store" now.

    As for Amazon, I don't think Apple will win this case. The name of Amazon's store is "Amazon Appstore".

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley face wallpaper.
  • smiley face wallpaper.

  • mr.suff
    Feb 22, 03:51 AM
    Way back in early 2008.

    24" 7,1 iMac and a base 1,1 MacBook Air

    Right now. Literally just set up the Dell 27"

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Face movie poster
  • Smiley Face movie poster

  • gnagy
    Jun 23, 01:54 AM
    Imagine you lived in the 1500s and someone showed you two computers. If you had zero prior computer experience, would you pick a touch based computer... or would you pick one where you move some arrow shaped icon with a 2nd device called the mouse.

    We're very used to using a mouse, but it's definitely not the most natural way to interact with a computer. It's not easy either. I've seen old people that never could figure out how to double click without moving the cursor 50 pixels from where they wanted to click.

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  • smiley faces wallpaper. free

  • gnasher729
    Aug 29, 04:28 PM
    you can be certain that the price-difference is there. since merom and yonah are 1:1 compatible, why would anyone use yonah istead of merom? but since the two will be sold side-by-side, yonah obviously has some benefits that merom does not have. and that benefit is most likely price.

    Who says Intel will keep selling Yonahs for long time once Merom comes out?

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley-face-wallpaper-008.jpg
  • smiley-face-wallpaper-008.jpg

  • queshy
    Jun 24, 04:54 AM
    My prediction: we are many, many years from a fully touch screen interface iMac. It's just not there yet. It works well on a phone but would not work well on a device with a similar form factor as the current iMac.

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley faces wallpaper.
  • smiley faces wallpaper.

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 27, 08:23 AM
    In general, "Applications" are what Apple run on their Mac OS platform "Apps" are what they run on their iOS platform, a cut down version of Mac OS X with a cut down but related and familiar name.

    Other operating systems (mobile based included) refer to software as "Programs". This has gone back as far as the days of DOS and Atari/Amiga.

    You can't be more wrong. I was writing Web Apps in the 90s using mod_perl, Apache and PostgreSQL.

    Other OSes have also had Applications associated as a word to describe the software that runs on them by the media and internally, see this 1989 reference to OS/2 :


    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Background
  • Smiley Background

  • iLucas
    Apr 14, 09:12 AM
    I have drove stick since i was 16. I had an automactic for 3 months after i got my license then bought a stick shift mitsubishi eclipse. Have drove it since. I am now 18 years old

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley face wallpaper
  • Smiley face wallpaper

  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 04:16 PM
    Faster? Not so sure. More stable? Definitely. All of my main bugs have been fixed aside from the full screen apps on dual screens.

    So I guess we won�t see any new features� Apple is busy polishing what we�ve got now�:/

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley face 91.41 KB
  • smiley face 91.41 KB

  • DewGuy1999
    Nov 26, 05:33 PM
    Small Pelican case for my Oakley Glasses, (as seen on the last page of the XIV Purchases Thread)

    Have room for another pair too, Maybe I'll find another pair that I like in the future.:)

    I personally don't have a problem with this...but...it kind of reminded me of this from SNL. :)

    The Blues Brothers perform "Soul Man" (http://snltranscripts.jt.org/78/78fbluesbrothers.phtml)

    [ Emcee Monty steps into the shadows, as Jake & Elwood Blues, the Blues Brothers, enter the stage. Elwood is handcuffed to a briefcase, which Jake proceeds to uncuff him from. Once uncuffed, Elwood opens his case, pulls out a harmonica, then places the empty case aside as Jake performs a cartwheel to the microphones ]

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley cool - cool, face,
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  • jettredmont
    Apr 12, 10:16 PM
    Fine. You all go and apply to work at a post house and put "iMovie" on your resume. See how long it takes for them to laugh you out the door.

    I haven't really used iMovie since HD, so to be honest I don't really care what they do to it. It's "Super quick to capture and edit DV" time has come and gone.

    Ummm ... if you are wanting to build your pro resume, obviously you wouldn't put a consumer app on it. I'm a software engineer, and I wouldn't put Automator as a skill on my resume either.

    iMovie is a great consumer video editing app, far more capable than iMovie HD ever was, and still much easier for "everyday" people to understand. No, it's not Final Cut. That's why Apple makes Final Cut Pro.

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Face Wallpapers for the
  • Smiley Face Wallpapers for the

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 17, 10:39 AM
    While I know how to drive a car with a manual shifter, here's a BIG problem nowadays: the quality of the shifter has really gone downhill in recent years. http://www.en.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/negative.gif

    Unless you're driving a BMW, Honda or Porsche, gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.

    Besides, automatics and dual-clutch gearboxes--thanks to modern computer controls--have gotten really good in recent years. This is especially true with automatics that sport six to eight forward gears, which allows for a lot smoother automatic shifts between gears during acceleration. I've test-driven a 2011 US-market Hyundai Elantra saloon with Hyundai's own six-speed automatic and note how smooth the shifts are even during hard acceleration.

    What Hondas have good shifters???? Umm sorry but no. I have driving manual Honda's and several different years including the range that you called good (02-06) and still compared to others they sucked. My 2004 Nissan manual feel better and the Nissan is a little notchy but it has well defined gates. Honda manual just feel funny plus I hate how their clutch feels.
    As for something us mortals can afford that I find has the best shifting feel is Mazda. Every one of those I have driving they have that silky smooth feel to it. I love it and has to be the best feeling shifter I have ever used.

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  • Yellow smiley face nexus

  • Kilger
    Feb 23, 01:50 PM
    http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/8707/img0388uf.jpg (http://img7.imageshack.us/i/img0388uf.jpg/)

    This is my first Mac computer so nothing special but I love it.

    smiley faces wallpaper. Smiley Face Wallpapers
  • Smiley Face Wallpapers

  • firestarter
    Mar 20, 09:31 AM
    FLASH: Libyan government will distribute weapons to more than 1 million men and women within hours - Libyan state news agency

    Well, this could certainly democratise the situation...

    Give everybody a gun and see what happens.

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley faces wallpaper.
  • smiley faces wallpaper.

  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 31, 01:02 AM
    I can see that dropping the Core Solo happening because for a little extra you can get a Core Duo.

    smiley faces wallpaper. smiley-face-wallpaper-
  • smiley-face-wallpaper-

  • guzhogi
    Nov 15, 10:16 AM
    Applications should be, and most likely are written to take advantage of available resources. A developer should be writing applications to take advantage of 8-cores already, they don't need an 8-core machine to do so.

    I agree. I wonder how idle the graphics card is when not using games. It would really help if more programmers were able to write programs that take advantage of the graphics card and audio card. Too bad SoundBlaster cards are Windows only. I wonder how much faster ripping CDs and converting to different audio formats in iTunes would be if the instructions got offloaded to a Soundblaster or other sound card.

    I also heard of a company called Aspex Semiconductors (www.aspex-semi.com) that designs PCI cards that speed up video processing and has something like OpenGL, but called OpenRL for video processing.. Would be cool if Aspex & Apple teamed up to make a card for Mac Pros to speed up Final Cut Pro & iMovie. Just my 2 cents.

    Mar 23, 08:03 PM
    I cracked open my 5th gen 80GB last year and replaced it with a 220GB kit from Apricorn, so I'm not sure why this drive has been described as "new".

    Regardless, like many people here, my library is huge (over 12K songs, plus videos, podcasts, etc), so a flash-based iPod wasn't a solution for me. I'm glad they'll keep the Classic going for awhile longer.

    Jun 23, 08:34 AM
    Then what was the point in the iPad?

    it can warm your balls in winter?

    Apr 24, 03:52 PM
    I hope, they bring the new iMacs on the market soon. I just purchased the new MBP 13" base and thought of getting an extra 27" external monitor in addition. But as I am not comfortable with the screen size and portability seems to be an inferior factor for me, I will send the MBP back these days and purchase the upcoming iMac 27".

    If I still need a mobile device, I will get a cheap laptop.

    Sep 14, 01:57 PM
    The Belkin Grip Vue does not block the speaker.

    Nov 27, 01:32 PM
    Many find two 17" LCDs more useful than one big LCD. Esp graphic artists, film composers, etc. They can have their tools/mixer open on one monitor, and the image or sequence open on another.

    Or if someone already has a big LCD, it would be a good compliment to put a 17" alongside it.

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