Monday, May 30, 2011

and wallpaper

and wallpaper. June Calendar and Wallpaper
  • June Calendar and Wallpaper

  • czeluff
    Oct 23, 12:03 PM
    In my opinion, there is a VERY good possibility of the Macbook Pros being updated tomorrow. Here's Why:

    If you look at the Macbook Pro's "last updated" section, you'll notice that it was April 24, 2006. Tomorrow will be October 24, exactly 6 month's difference. Coincidence? perhaps, but in my opinion if it's not tomorrow, it's not until late November.

    Chad Z

    and wallpaper. -tutorial-and-wallpaper/
  • -tutorial-and-wallpaper/

  • JFreak
    Jul 18, 03:18 AM
    Thing is Steve Jobs is going to pull the usual trick (stupid contracts) and only release this to the American public.

    We can always hope that they also want to make business outside US.

    and wallpaper. picture and wallpaper
  • picture and wallpaper

  • BC2009
    Apr 26, 01:11 PM
    First the Verizon iPhone rumors come to fruition. Now comes the long-awaited White iPhone 4......

    Now we can all start rumors about if and when "App Store" will become a trademark. Personally, I think Apple should get the trademark given precedents out there, but if they don't, I really don't care. After a decision is rendered in this case it will be old news in 48 hours and nobody will care.

    What strikes me is how clear it is that Apple is leading the way and trying to fend off so many folks who are trying to mimic and dilute their brand or copy their every move. Everybody wants to ride the wave that is Apple's success.

    Personally, I applaud Microsoft a bit here. Sure they have copied Mac OS X elements in Windows for years, but Windows Phone has its own unique user interface and Kinect is an extremely innovative accomplishment. Would be nice if more companies were innovating and making cool stuff for us to buy, rather than just trying to copy Apple. I'm so tired of Google's "let's make it close enough to iOS and claim it runs Flash and is 'open'" strategy and Samsung's "let's just make it look like an Apple device" strategy.

    and wallpaper. and wallpaper - rendering
  • and wallpaper - rendering

  • gnasher729
    Aug 29, 04:47 PM
    IF TRUE - Just In Time Invintory Management Makes When Yonah Price Falls The Time To Do It. That would be once Merom is shipping - like NOW.

    I'm still not convinced this rumor is true. I've got my fingers crossed these two processors are going to be C2D at 1.66 and 1.83GHz - not Yonah.

    Only fair & logical reason it might be true would be due to constrained supply of Merom to begin with so Apple has to use all those for MacBook Pro first, then iMac - excluding a Conroe plan -, MacBook and finally mini when supply of Merom is unconstrained like around November-December. By first doing the speed bumps to the Merom speeds with Yonah, they can deliver an immediate benefit to their mini customers without spreading the limited supply of Meroms all over the lines yet.

    So after they have enough Meroms for MBP they can switch the MB to Meroms at the same speeds as now, then switch the mini ALMOST silently once that line is satisfied fully. iMac is a big unknown due to Conroe possability.

    More I think about it, that is probably what's happening. Intel probably has the order with Apple designed to reduce the Yonah supply as quickly as they can provde enough Meroms to keep satisfying Apple's every growing appetite for more and more C2 Intel processors at the ever growing assembly lines in Taiwan & China.

    I think Apple has to use a Core 2 Duo chip in the iMac immediately following the MacBook Pro, before MacBook and MacMini. So if a Conroe iMac isn't developed quick enough, I would expect iMac using Merom, even if it ships that way for two months only.

    and wallpaper. Brightness And Wallpaper
  • Brightness And Wallpaper

  • Counterfit
    Mar 19, 06:12 PM
    Only 2% use MACs so they're unlikely to be exposed to one, PC users (98%) will bad mouth a MAC, and Apples advertising, while award winning does very little to enlighten people about the product. two notes: 1.) MAC is a networking thing, among others. Mac is a computer or a nickname.
    2.) market share is not the same as installed user base.

    and wallpaper. in Textile and Wallpaper
  • in Textile and Wallpaper

  • guzhogi
    Nov 15, 10:08 AM
    I wonder how much of a performance boost (if any) there would be if someone made a whole operating from scratch. Totally new compiler, new programming libraries, new everything to take full advantage of all of today's technologies. This would take several years and hard work, I know, so don't flame me.

    I was a programming major in college (though I sucked at it). I know that a lot of the libraries I used in it (like iostream and string) have been around since the '80's. Back then, consumer computers didn't have 4 core, 64-bit processors and high end video cards and broadband internet. While the libraries have been updated a little to work, they're not optimized for all the new technologies we have now.

    and wallpaper. and wallpaper manager in
  • and wallpaper manager in

  • jlyanks85
    Nov 25, 02:08 PM

    This yesterday for sister for christmas, since she wants it.

    This for myself

    and wallpaper. 2010 Calendar and Wallpaper by
  • 2010 Calendar and Wallpaper by

  • surroundfan
    Sep 6, 07:34 AM
    New Mac Minis have landed. Core Duo 1.66 and 1.83. Otherwise the same...

    160GB HDD option though. Just the thing for a media centre...

    and wallpaper. Zedge Ringtones amp; Wallpapers
  • Zedge Ringtones amp; Wallpapers

  • GregA
    Dec 30, 02:42 AM
    At least our TV's aren't upside down :D :cool: ;)Touché?... ;-)
    (I feel like the "I'm a PC" guy).

    Actually, while 576i is good for standard def, our government has defined 576p as high def (or 720p, or 1080i... it's optional). 2 steps forward, 2 steps back.

    and wallpaper. and Wallpaper Decoration
  • and Wallpaper Decoration

  • Northgrove
    Apr 21, 11:28 AM
    Although this isn't stopping me from using my phone, I still think this is definitely the right move and I'm interested in hearing what Apple has to say about it, and hope they are pressured on this topic. As for Google: a) this discussion isn't about Google so that company is off-topic, and b) assuming it *was* about Google rather than Apple, I would have liked to see the same steps taken there.

    Storing a user's whereabouts for the foreseeable future with no system to remove old data (like Google and other search companies does it, anonymizing data within 18-24 months) and not even tell your users about it is definitely not good. When data is collected that can compromise a user's privacy, they need to include details on this in their end-user agreement.

    and wallpaper. Wallpaper and wallpaper murals
  • Wallpaper and wallpaper murals

  • iphone3gs16gb
    Jan 23, 12:21 AM

    can anybody guess what year/model it is? :D

    and wallpaper. a new fabric and wallpaper
  • a new fabric and wallpaper

  • applefanDrew
    May 2, 09:02 PM
    I like it, but right now there's 3 ways to install apps: App Store, download from internet and drag to applications folder, installer wizard (like MS Office). Also, the difference between the applications folder and LaunchPad will be confusing for most users. This whole thing needs to be unified. Either get rid of the Applications folder or get rid of LaunchPad.

    Afaik, there is no apps folder on the dock by default in lion. Launchpad has taken it's place.

    and wallpaper. picture and wallpaper
  • picture and wallpaper

  • Leoff
    Nov 27, 03:30 PM
    I don't understand this. Apple has carried a 20" monitor as their low end for two years. Why offer something even smaller after so long? This seems like a step backwards. Why not reduce the 20" to $399 and lower the price of the other two? Dell is putting major price pressure on Apple with their monitors; though they are not as good looking, the price has no doubt won over many would be buyers...not me of course. :p

    Well, see... there's this little thing called market analysis and listening to the people you sell things to. I highly doubt Apple was sitting around going "we need to release something new because its been months. I know! How about a different monitor size!"

    Why not reduce the 20" to $399? Why should they when they seem to be selling just fine at where they are?

    Dell is putting IMAGINED price pressure on Apple with their monitors. Selling cheaper crap will cost you less.

    and wallpaper. tile and wallpaper
  • tile and wallpaper

  • RebootD
    Apr 12, 10:08 PM
    Wow, looks pretty awesome. Nothing about improved typography though? Booooo.

    Or will there be a 'studio' anymore? Will motion and livetype just be part of the new FCX?

    and wallpaper. Curtains and wallpaper made of
  • Curtains and wallpaper made of

  • Jonasgold
    Mar 23, 12:44 AM
    As long as my iPhone doesn't have better storage & battery life, I'll have use for a classic to take my entire music library with me.
    Whether or not they discontinue will solely depend on the nr. Of classics sold.
    Since it'sthat old, it no longer has to make up for R&D,design, marketing,... So the profits per sold unit must be rather high. But since it's renamed to classic and (apart from a bigger hard drive) had no updates in 3 years, I wouldn't expect they 'll invest in it any further.

    and wallpaper. in Textile and Wallpaper
  • in Textile and Wallpaper

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 06:48 PM
    Nature's cure. Scrape that pink fungus off the big rock.

    Don't be racist, although I don't doubt that 'we' make up the majority of the fungus present.

    and wallpaper. Photos and wallpapers from the
  • Photos and wallpapers from the

  • ScubaDuc
    Aug 27, 04:50 PM
    A better question is: when does the LCD OR the computer die, especially in the case of Macs? I would say never...

    Sorry to disappoint you but even Apple screens do die....My Apple LCD did about a month before Applecare expired. They lost it and I had to wait 7 weeks for a replacement. Mind u, it did die so beautifully...a few flickers and then there was peace :rolleyes:

    and wallpaper. Love Quotes and Wallpapers
  • Love Quotes and Wallpapers

  • AppleScruff1
    Apr 23, 12:15 PM
    If that is your idea of fun, you really need to get out more.

    See my post above for innocuous reasoning behind all of this. It's nothing like as sinister as you would like to believe. Data is not being sent back to Apple.

    An undocumented source proves your point, but Apple makes no reply to the allegations? I thought it was a "bug" in the software? And some police departments have known about it for a while too.

    and wallpaper. Blinds and Wallpaper
  • Blinds and Wallpaper

  • Surf and Turf
    Oct 24, 06:23 AM
    dun get excited it is just routine maintanace. The new mbk will will be released late november

    Apr 12, 09:17 PM
    Wow, it looks absolutely stunning.

    Nov 17, 11:27 AM
    Will consider a Mac Pro if it gets 8 cores and they drop the FB-DIMMs. Don't want FB-DIMMs, they have the definite feel of an overcomplicated solution to a problem. FB-DIMM are likely the future... it will truly start to will shine when they make available more channels out of the memory controllers allowing bandwidth to scale and it hides memory specifics from the memory controller allowing advancements in DIMMs to remain compatible with existing systems.

    Feb 25, 11:31 PM

    What are those headphones?

    Sep 6, 06:08 PM
    Makes sense. Steve is, after all, a major player at Disney.

    My guess: Disney and Lions gate now, more in a month or so.

    It would be nice to have a streaming service, in which you pay for a netflix type price model and are allowed to stream movies on demand.... talk about bandwidth charges!!

    Jul 19, 03:54 PM
    Woo Hoo!! Keep it up guys!!

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