Tuesday, May 31, 2011

largest dog in world

largest dog in world. World S Biggest Dog: World S
  • World S Biggest Dog: World S

  • Ravich
    Mar 20, 10:13 PM
    Maybe Apple should ban all religious apps.
    That's for apple to decide.

    In a way, religion is very like homeopathy, since it pretends that something non-existant has the ability to cure/help/heal etc.
    I'll say it again: homeopathy is not directly harmful. Ex-gay therapy is.

    Like homeopathy, religion can encourage one to do nothing of value ('let's pray for Japan', 'let's try to cure cancer with just water') rather than something physical which actually has an effect. It could be construed as being dangerous and damaging in that sense.
    Again: how is that directly harmful? Directly. Harmful.

    largest dog in world. the term quot;iggest dogquot; is
  • the term quot;iggest dogquot; is

  • aswitcher
    Jan 12, 05:23 PM
    AirMacExtreme AirMacPro


    largest dog in world. largest dog in world. world
  • largest dog in world. world

  • firestarter
    Apr 12, 09:39 PM
    Yeah BETA sounds like we won't be getting it for a while :(

    Ground up rewrite = a whole load of bugs.

    It'll be interesting to see how many shops use this for production work when it's finally released.

    largest dog in world. of Worlds Biggest Dog by
  • of Worlds Biggest Dog by

  • twoodcc
    Feb 9, 04:57 PM
    million = mio

    oh ok. that's what i thought. but how do you have 6.4 million?

    largest dog in world. World S Biggest Dog:
  • World S Biggest Dog:

  • suneohair
    Nov 15, 09:58 AM
    For some time, Handbrake didn't use more than two cores - owners of Quad G5s reported CPU usage of exactly 50 percent, then someone changed it and Quad G5s reported 100 percent CPU usage.

    What we don't know: Was the code changed to use up to four processors, or as many processors as are available? Developers are usually very unwilling to ship code that they haven't been able to try out, so expect a version using eight cores about two days after the developers have access to an eight core machine.

    In the case of Handbrake, encoding to MPEG4 seems already limited by the speed of the DVD drive; you can't encode faster than you can read from the DVD. H.264 is still limited by processor speed. Using eight cores is not too difficult; for example, if you encode 60 minutes of video, just give 7 1/2 minutes to each core.

    Applications should be, and most likely are written to take advantage of available resources. A developer should be writing applications to take advantage of 8-cores already, they don't need an 8-core machine to do so.

    largest dog in world. Biggest Dog (8)
  • Biggest Dog (8)

  • encro
    Apr 27, 11:41 AM
    I can't be the only one that is sick to death with regards to car analogies. Grrr

    largest dog in world. However, the TALLEST dog
  • However, the TALLEST dog

  • frankie
    Aug 25, 11:09 AM
    1. Apple doesn't pay those prices.
    2. No way is Apple going to keep shipping any Yonah processors.
    3. Any speed Solo Yonah will be history with this refresh.
    4. It's gonna be 1.66GHz Core 2 Duo T5500 and 1.83GHz Core 2 Duo T5600 minis.
    5. I expect the iMac to sport faster Conroes in a completely new designed enclosure that can deal with the additional heat a Conroe setup will generate.

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Biggest Dog
  • World#39;s Biggest Dog

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 05:39 PM
    Loyalists blow with the wind, and the prevailing wind happens to be from Vichy. .... sorry, Tripoli. :oI think that's the prevailing water.

    largest dog in world. Biggest Dog in the World
  • Biggest Dog in the World

  • Unorthodox
    Oct 23, 12:54 PM
    The wheels on the rumor mill go 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round, 'round and 'round.

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Tallest Dog
  • World#39;s Tallest Dog

  • TheMacGuy
    Aug 7, 12:30 AM
    I am buying an iMac very soon, and I just want a 64-bit intel core in it. Cmon merom!

    Yeah.... MacBook Pro too,...

    "... its the most wonderful time of the year..."

    WARNING! off topic - I just hear some wonderful (ole) mac music... look here! - http://davidpogue.com/pogue_unplugged/songspoofs.html

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Largest Dog
  • World#39;s Largest Dog

  • ErikCLDR
    Feb 7, 04:32 PM
    2005 LR3 SE, mountain road in Northern New Hampshire

    Very nice, how's yours holding up?

    My parents have '07 LR3 and an '07 Range Rover sport. Both have been very reliable aside from some software issues in the RRS that were quickly sorted out. There have been a couple little things but overall they have been much more reliable than our previous Discoveries.

    We had an LR4 as a loaner and it's like night and day over the LR3. The interior is significantly nicer and the ride is smoother.

    largest dog in world. largest dog in world. world#39
  • largest dog in world. world#39

  • daneoni
    Mar 24, 02:05 PM
    I wonder if support is really there or just the ability to identify the cards.

    Native Core Image acceleration and Quartz Extreme support on all those cards

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Biggest Dog. Comments
  • World#39;s Biggest Dog. Comments

  • lejudicieux
    Nov 26, 11:30 PM
    The only thing that irritates the **** out of me, Is the members here on MacRumors, I've been through this type of crap before, Apparently everyone was bullied as a child or something because when ANYONE says something that isn't correct or seems "odd" people here jump on them and make sure to rub whatever it is in their face.

    People on the internet use blatant trolling and flaming so easily, but I can tell you that they would never do it in actual person given the chance. It's easy to act badass on the internet. They're pathetic and still talking about it pages later.

    Hold your head high and be proud of your case; most of these morons treat their gadgets/etc like they're toys with no regard.

    Don't loose faith in the internet, some of us are decent people.

    largest dog in world. George, the iggest dog,
  • George, the iggest dog,

  • shecky
    Oct 23, 10:53 AM
    What I would like to see them add is eSATA support but I bet they dont.

    agreed, and agreed.

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Tallest Dog
  • World#39;s Tallest Dog

  • mwayne85
    Apr 19, 11:00 AM
    Not expecting a huge update here other than Sandy Bridge, Thunderbolt, and 6XXX series AMD graphics.

    largest dog in world. world#39;s largest dog show,
  • world#39;s largest dog show,

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 6, 06:06 PM
    Personally, I wouldn't want to DL a large movie file without the option of being able to burn it to DVD so I can have that tangible hard copy that makes me feel safe and warm. Then I wouldn't have a problem deleting it off of my hard drive.

    I could be wrong, but I don't see them dealing with rentals. Most people still don't have fast enough connections to warrant downloading a big movie file when they can just have it delivered to their door via Netflix or they can head down to their local Blockbuster and have it right away. Same goes for purchases. I like having the retail box. It just makes me a little bit happier. :) Now, if they offered HD downloads, I'd definitely be interested in that, even if it is a super big file.

    largest dog in world. World#39;s Tallest Dog:
  • World#39;s Tallest Dog:

  • hayesk
    Apr 12, 10:09 PM
    AKA Final Cut Express is what iMovie should be, but instead they super duper dumbed it down for the masses.

    Uhm... iMovie is intended for the masses. They did exactly the right thing. It is not intended to be for pros or even semi-pros. FCE is for semi-pros, and FCP is for pros.

    largest dog in world. Digby, the Biggest Dog in the
  • Digby, the Biggest Dog in the

  • Tmelon
    Mar 31, 05:02 PM
    The top of it just does not look like it was meant to be a desktop app. makes me think of all the windows software you get how they over do the look of it.

    I wonder if they'll give an option to change it. Or they could possibly scrap the new look completely if all of the developers give negative feedback. It personally doesn't bother me, but I do think they could have made it look at least a bit better.

    largest dog in world. world#39;s biggest dog | Flickr
  • world#39;s biggest dog | Flickr

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 02:52 PM
    I hope so, but the next question is how long Libya will have multiple governments, and under what conditions the rebels recieve official international recognition.I don't think there will be any conditions: at some point, effective authority will simply be seen to reside with them, rather than Daffy the Duck, and at that point, they will become the de facto recognised representatives.

    2 Replies
    Sep 14, 04:49 PM
    They are just doing it for publicity I bet...

    ... O_o ...
    The're a magazine.
    Publicity DEFINES their business model.


    That said, I still agree with their decision to not recommend it, and the timing of this restating of their stance is fine since Apple's offer is nearly up.
    Apple has acknowledged the phone does have a unique issue (that is NOT just the same as the issue of covering up the antenna that most mobile devices have ... otherwise adding an extra bumper wouldn't fix it.).
    No self-respecting consumer product review org would recommend a product with known flaws that the manufacturer refuses to adequately fix in the long term.

    Apple OC
    Mar 20, 07:15 PM
    Wow, that is a shocker.

    The U.S. Congress passed a law to prohibit any attempt to assassinate any foreign leader.

    Why, I don't know, but there it is. :confused:

    Not really an attempt to assassinate :cool:... just trying to scare him a bit :cool:

    Jul 18, 09:20 AM
    Who's to say a person won't buy some movies (like for their kids) and rent some others? Maybe a person has netflix but wants to something right away. My point is that it's crazy to say that there is only room for one kind of delivery method or pricing model.

    Also it won't cost Apple that much to implement if the studios are doing the mastering and they add another category to iTunes. Why not? To get up-in-arms about this is like complaining about another brand of soap.

    Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:34 PM
    People detection or NSA spoofer code. People should have the right to turn this stuff off. Hope FCP doesn't impose it without an option to disable.

    I like that you're paranoid enough to think the NSA has inserted spyware into Final Cut Pro but not paranoid enough to think that they'd just ignore an 'off switch' in the program. ;)

    May 2, 04:22 PM
    I'm afraid this might be confusing for some users - Launch Pad and iOS like behavior for MAS applications and 'old' way of doing things for none MAS applications ... doesn't sound very consistent - I hope they clean that inconsistency up for the final version.

    Perhaps, though I suspect for some people, the MAS will be the only way they interact with apps on the Mac.


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