Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • shrimpdesign
    Aug 7, 12:03 AM
    I predict the Mac Pro, Xserve and a kick-ass preview of Leopard.

    And I dobt any consumer items will be introduced (iPod, iTablet, iPhone) .. but they can surprise me if they want!

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  • naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper

  • stcanard
    Nov 30, 10:54 AM
    Microsoft owns nothing of Apple, just to make that clear, and of course they don't Apple to succeed... they want it to sink. :)

    The fact that M$ owns a portion of Apple is a myth, not true.

    There was a time that MS held some Apple stock, that's where it started (I think it was with the second coming of Jobs). They got rid of it some time ago, but that part wasn't as highly advertised.

    But MS doesn't want Apple to sink -- they want Apple to remain as a niche player, so they maintain a defence against monopoly claims

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  • Naruto Wallpaper Pack 2 HD

  • evilgEEk
    Sep 6, 01:03 PM
    I've been waiting for this update for a few weeks now, need to get a new computer for the office. But now I'm really torn between the mini and the low end iMac.

    Frankly I'm thinkin the iMac. :confused:

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  • All wallpapers are HD in mixed

  • Cleve
    Jan 11, 08:29 PM
    Induction charging

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  • naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper

  • iSee
    Sep 1, 01:17 PM
    not gonna happen

    Well, I guess this could be part of a special media event, but it wouldn't be the reason they held a special media event.

    Now, a Media Center Mac... that would be a reason to hold an event :D. Although that's just wishful thinking on my part...

    naruto wallpaper hd. Naruto wallpaper
  • Naruto wallpaper

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 06:32 PM
    I've always been a fan of the device that lets you remote access your computer (like a Star Trek PADD). Doubt we'll see one anytime soon though.

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  • naruto wallpaper hd.

  • JoEw
    Jun 22, 05:07 PM
    touch screen is usefull for mobile devices because you don't have any place to put a screen, mouse and keyboard. But desktops you have room for keyboard and mic so i don't see this happening in imacs.

    Steve said a D8, he believes that there will always be a place for desktops but a majority of our tasks will be done from tablets or mobile devices that are touch screen enabled.

    And there are just some things that require keyboard and mice! steve acknowledges that and so does the rest of the world.

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  • samurai x wallpaper,

  • brianus
    Sep 1, 01:05 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    I completely agree with you that using Conroe would make more sense (the casing for the 17" and 20" models was originally designer for a G5, for pete's sake), but I disagree with the assumption that Conroe will *have* to be used in some way in Apple's lineup. Nobody's putting a gun to their head; they may well skip that processor entirely, as AppleInsider has suggested.

    They may be responding to positive reviews and customer satisfaction with the relative silence of the Yonah iMacs compared to their G5 predecessors. I don't know how much hotter and louder an iMac would run with Conroe, but if it was noisy it would be a disappointment, as all the other desktop models they've released this year have been noticeably quieter.

    Of course they won't offer it in aluminum, sheesh. Aluminum is the "pro" color, white and black are the "consumer" colors. Sheesh! Thought you people followed Apple.. anybody think they'll offer a "premium" black 23", same as they did for the higher-end MacBook? They are after all "siblings" in the product lineup.

    Lastly I don't see them getting rid of the "chin" unless they come out with the rumored touch-screen, widescreen video iPods on the 12th too. I think the visual similarity between the iPod and iMac is quite intentional and not something they're likely to change unless the iPod itself changes.

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  • Wallpaper HD de Naruto

  • milo
    Aug 29, 12:31 PM
    ALL desktop machines......

    Apple posted their 3rd Quarter 2006 financial results today.


    That was before the Pro shipped, it's a safe bet since it's released desktop numbers have gone up. And that's just one quarter, I doubt desktop numbers have been on the decline for the last twelve months.

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  • Doctor Q
    Sep 6, 07:50 PM
    Why exactly is fixed pricing so important? isn't that.. well.. a bit anti supply/demand? Anyone have any stats on the percentages that bestbuy, a local music/video store, and apple are making on a normal purchase?You are correct that "market pricing", where the price of a movie is based on what that particular movie might be worth to people, and possibly on the relative cost of bringing it to you, would better follow the principles of supply and demand.

    The other side of the story is that Apple wants to keep things as simple as possible, and fixed pricing is very easy for consumers to understand. It changes a tricky buying decision (is this movie worth this price?) to a simpler buying decision (which movies are worth the standard price?). It may not seem that complicated either way, but it makes a difference with skittish first timer buyers. It's like not having to haggle when the price of something isn't negotiable. Less flexibility, but less decisionmaking.

    Among the general public, there has been a much larger resistance to these download services than you'd know from reading posts from tech-minded people in forums like these. I think fixed pricing for iTunes music was one of the keys to the success of the iTunes Music Store. Remember that only a small percentage of music buyers buy online, and movies are going to start out the same way.

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  • naruto wallpaper hd

  • elppa
    Jan 11, 05:29 PM
    like i submitted and you ignored completely...they are of the aluminum build which would make it appear to be on the PRO side. Why would they build something identical to the current macbook???

    Just like the "professional" iPods are all aluminium, and the "professional" iMac, not to mention the "professional" iPhone.

    Apple is going Alumium across the product line, for environmental reasons. The MacBooks will be the last plastic Macs made.

    Also, anyone who has paid any attention during physics will know that if you want to make a laptop thinner than the current MacBook, then plastic just won't cut it for build quality. You'll need a stronger material to get the strength.

    naruto wallpaper hd. naruto wallpaper hd
  • naruto wallpaper hd

  • copykris
    Nov 25, 02:12 PM
    They're just ****ing sunglasses...


    so true

    naruto wallpaper hd. naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper naruto hd. wallpaper naruto hd. NathanMuir. Feb 21, 01:15 PM. Thanks Captain Obvious. I was just being sarcastic.
  • naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper naruto hd. wallpaper naruto hd. NathanMuir. Feb 21, 01:15 PM. Thanks Captain Obvious. I was just being sarcastic.

  • Hattig
    Nov 27, 02:32 PM
    Maybe they should drop the price of the 20" Cinema Display to something more reasonable, such as $499 - $699 is far too much. In the UK it is �529!

    I've seen 22" DVI Widescreen TFTs selling for under �300, often close to �200. $499 is probably too high still (even if it is a better standard of panel, and includes a Firewire hub) - maybe $399. Put the 17" up for ~$249 and aim it at Mac Mini purchasers (+iSight, -Firewire, 4 USB2 ports).

    naruto wallpaper hd. Naruto Wallpaper.
  • Naruto Wallpaper.

  • kiljoy616
    Mar 26, 01:53 AM
    The iPad is (sort of) good for playing two minute time wasters....as a "real" gaming machine, it's pretty sub-par. Crappy specs, no controller of any sort (sorry, but touch screen input is horrible in almost all cases). The ability to hook it up to my TV, when I already have a dedicated, much more powerful machine, with a much greater selection of games, a greater selection of more complex, games, is underwhelming, to say the least.

    One day, maybe. But for right now, color me unimpressed.

    Ah but your missing the point this is for casual gamers. No one is taking this platform as a serious contender to PS3 or xbox 360 but I can see a lot of people doing lots of casual gaming even this one to pass the time. Also can you take your top system in the back seat no you can't. And a laptop is dumb. but for 500 dollars you have all the things the ipad does well and then this.

    Apple has a winner and its stock :D is going to go even more up. :D

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  • Naruto Wallpapers | ShonenJump

  • kresh
    Jul 19, 05:10 PM
    LongShight i think you mean Vista will be here next year and will be a big cash cow for Microsoft - will it work as well as Mac OS ? no,will it be better ? no ...but people will buy it and still get viruses and spyware

    I don't think that Windows is the reason that people will buy it. It has much more to do with the $499.99 price point, which buys a fairly decent machine for most home users.

    Apple will never, ever dominate in marketshare. They are not geared for it profit margin wise, and I don't think they should be.

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  • naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 20, 10:50 AM
    I'm not smart enough to know what the right thing to do is in Libya. But it does make me roll my eyes to hear the CNN anchor talk about how Qaddafi is "thumbing his nose at America".

    The propoganda machine is cranked-up and running. :rolleyes:

    Let's go kill some badguys!

    It's "the World", but American media pretend that the U.S. IS the World.

    I actually think having troops is better.

    Can we count on you to volunteer?

    naruto wallpaper hd. naruto wallpaper hd.
  • naruto wallpaper hd.

  • Stridder44
    Sep 7, 04:17 AM
    Holy eff. What if they changed iMovie's purpose? For managing content (music & movies): iTunes and iMovie. For creating/editing content: Garageband and "Showtime" (or whatever speculated new name that was).

    It makes so much more sense, even if it would be confusing at first.

    naruto wallpaper hd. naruto wallpaper hd.
  • naruto wallpaper hd.

  • Benguitar
    Nov 23, 08:04 PM
    you planning on treating them rough?

    Not really, The reason I spent the money on Oakleys is because from what I've read and seen, Oakley's are tough and will last you years. But also if I travel and don't wish to wear them I want to put them somewhere where they will not be crushed, or drowned, or broken.

    I'm also planning on going into the Coast Guard, So if/when I travel or etc, I want to take great care of my equipment & personal belongings.


    that seems awful clunky as a container for a pair of sunglasses...

    I got that size because it was the smallest water proof size, I also plan on getting another pair someday.

    When I spend $200.00 on a pair of sunglasses, When they are not on my head, I want them put away.

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  • naruto wallpaper hd. wallpaper

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 6, 06:37 PM
    What's stopping you from doing that now?

    I know I have all of my iTMS video backed up to data DVDs...

    I know I won't be spending $10-$15 for anything less than DVD quality though, so I hope there's either a rental model or at least 480p.


    I do backup all of my ipod videos on DVD. I was talking in terms of rentals that so many people are interested in here. Apple would have to implement some sort of copy protection for people who simply want to rent for a few days, so the movies can't be backed up to DVD. Sort of like Divx DVD back in the day. You bought the movie for $5, then after 48 hours it was unusable.

    This brings up another point. There are a lot of "hackers" out there who, I would think, wouldn't have a lot of difficulty breaking encryption or copy protection on the possible movie rentals from iTunes. I think that would be another reason Apple would avoid rentals.

    Jan 12, 10:45 AM
    Love those BMW's..and that colour is awesome!

    At least someone likes the colour. Even I'm not sure about it, but it's definitely unique.

    Oct 24, 06:13 AM

    no joke

    at least in Germany

    Thumbs up :)

    The only stores I found still up were the US and Canada

    Apr 6, 10:54 AM
    Next Commodore 64? You know Commodore started selling computers after Apple, sold fewer computers than Apple, and is gone, right? Why the Hell do you want Apple to be anything like Commodore?

    Because the Commodore 64 sold better than anything Apple has built and it was cheap !! It was a computer for the masses....

    Thats what Apple needs.....All this Apple makes the best computers etc etc debate is pointless...

    They may be making money but the mac is not spreading...the ipod is ! Apple needs to push both lines

    Apr 21, 11:30 AM
    The more publicity on this, the more likely a hack will be developed. I love how many news organizations believe that this open file is some kind of new issue!

    There is a reason that some of us Jailbreak, outside of the desire to add applications outside of the appstore.

    There are other ways to access data on an iPhone outside of Apple tools. If you think a Passcode is making your phone secure, you are mistaken.

    Not being rude at all but please tell me. I really want to know specifics.

    Nov 23, 08:04 PM
    you planning on treating them rough?

    Not really, The reason I spent the money on Oakleys is because from what I've read and seen, Oakley's are tough and will last you years. But also if I travel and don't wish to wear them I want to put them somewhere where they will not be crushed, or drowned, or broken.

    I'm also planning on going into the Coast Guard, So if/when I travel or etc, I want to take great care of my equipment & personal belongings.


    that seems awful clunky as a container for a pair of sunglasses...

    I got that size because it was the smallest water proof size, I also plan on getting another pair someday.

    When I spend $200.00 on a pair of sunglasses, When they are not on my head, I want them put away.

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