Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • rfahey
    Sep 14, 12:38 PM
    It isn't even September 30th. For all we know Apple may need more time to evaluate and extend the program another month. Where's confirmation that the program is canceled that day? I wouldn't go off touting that Apple's canceling a program that hasn't been canceled. What you're upset that Apple's not keeping us in the loop? When has Apple EVER kept us in the loop?

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  • OdduWon
    Nov 28, 11:54 AM
    I disagree, take the price of a mini, add a good 17" monitor (4:3 (but not a super cheap one)) then compare the price to the 17" iMac. Not much difference and the iMac has better everything.

    true ,but you could get dual monitors slightly cheaper... oh wait no graphics card, yeah what is up with the mini? it should be the coolest piece of hardware, but it has gotten no love. wheres all the love ?:p

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  • MisterK
    Apr 3, 11:25 AM
    I loved this ad. The voiceover reminds me of old Hal Riney commercials, where there is a reverence for the product � a person with quiet confidence telling you a "truth". When the message is a simple one, it's easier to tell a compelling story. Here's the message: when you don't notice the tech the experience feels magical.

    There's nothing wrong with this. Magic is what tech is at its finest. Engineers and developers become mired in the details of how to make it work and think that's the important part, and then we get awful commercials boasting specs. When we lift abstractions and technological explanations, the things we do become more fantastic. We don't visit websites, but can see all the knowledge of the world. We don't Skype; we talk face-to-face with distant loved ones. We don't use Photoshop brushes; we create images with our fingers. Why are the details of how that happens the important part?

    TBWA are the marketing geniuses that have always done Apple's stuff and I'm glad they saw this nugget of truth in Apple's iPad message. This is what we have to do in the advertising business (yes, I'm in it). I've been lucky enough to work with TBWA and can say that they are the real deal. They are true MadMen who honestly look for the most beautiful truth in the products they are asked to sell and then speak that truth more eloquently than everyone else.

    People who identify this as "simply advertising" are missing the point. You're not the smartest kid in the playground when you tell everyone that Santa doesn't exist. The smart ones are the kids enjoying Christmas.

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  • FubsyGamr
    Sep 20, 07:40 PM
    Does anti-static have anything to do with it not being a lint magnet?

    I have no idea haha.

    I was also looking at some 3g Leather Cases (those are my favorite style) is there any reason they wouldn't work with my 4g? For example, this one looks good:


    but would my 4g fit in there?

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  • mrgreen4242
    Sep 6, 10:35 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?

    I love my mini. I would have bought the former top end mini (1.66ghz Duo, 80gb HDD, SD) to replace my mini if it came down to $599 refurb/$699 new. I like my monitor just fine. I prefer the form factor of the mini over the iMac is what it comes down to, I suppose.

    I'm not a fan of the iMac design... mostly because of my bad experience with a Rev A iMac G5 being so freaking loud. If Apple had kept the Core Solo and dropped it's price $100 or more (Apple needs a $399 mini more than it needs a $799 model) lots of people would have bought it.

    As it stands, though, the mini kinda sucks.

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  • I WAS the one
    Jun 23, 08:30 PM
    iOS and Mac OS will merge. Very slowly over the years. Eventually,This sounds great to me! I can imagine Photoshop don't count on adobe products pal, Apple wants you to use Apple products and grab to your seat ... I bet it will be just one way to install apps... The AppStore pro. We are screwed.

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  • rikbrown
    Apr 19, 12:47 PM
    I didn't have the money, but I bought it anyways.

    Spoken like a true American.

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  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 30, 02:13 AM
    .. it appears your keyboard layout is different though. :p

    Sorry, I was trying to type upside down :D :p ;) :cool:

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  • flyfish29
    Mar 26, 04:13 PM
    its my understanding that apple made this browser BEFORE MSIE was pulled from the mac. M$ pulled IE because they believed Safari was better and faster and could better serve the mac. it was also part of a marketing plan by M$ to remove IE as a stand alone browser from Win and Mac. Think before you post and do your homework. The rest of use don't want to read something that's not true or thot out.

    Yes, Apple made this browser before M$ IE was pulled, but it was obvious that M$ would be pulling it long before they announced it. With the integratioin of IE into windows it was only a matter of time and if Apple had waited until the announcement they would have been so far behind that the mainstream would have suffered. Safari is just now getting up to speed on its accessability to most web pages- and I even still have major accessability problems with some financial pages and registering at some other types of pages. Most people don't know about the alternative browsers out there such as Mozilla, etc. so it would have proved devestating to Apple had they not been on the ball with Safari. They just know netscape, IE and now safari. I think iMac-Japan's comment on this particular issue is partly true as is your Calebj14.

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  • Small White Car
    Apr 12, 09:49 PM
    No, but having features like face detection does suggest that it's a 'consumer' orientated product.

    Personally, I don't mind. As long as all the old multitrack features are still available (and the price significantly drops, to say, $50-$300,) then I intend to buy it.

    Eh. People bitched about Aperture getting these features too, but so far Aperture's never grabbed me by the neck and forced me to use them. I assume Final Cut will be the same.

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  • Bengt77
    Sep 1, 02:15 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro
    That would not be a good sign. If the iMac does go Merom, that is. If it goes Conroe, it's fine with me, though...

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  • JoeG4
    Feb 20, 03:42 AM
    Do you go to UMD by any chance? :confused: Because that looks almost exactly like my dorm down to the tiny desk they give you.

    After participating in "mac setup" threads for more years than I wish to admit, I think most dorms have that atrocious little table and that matching funny looking chair with the skinny back that looks really uncomfortable.

    Seriously though, it's like they are intentionally trying to cause that wrist problem (I forget the name XD) with those keyboard drawers!

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  • kriskkalu
    Jan 5, 06:31 PM
    At macworld 2007 Apple will announce that you can download The Beatles music on iTunes and possible there will be a Beatles branded iPod.

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  • Mr. Chewbacca
    Mar 22, 10:12 PM
    Our Founding Fathers believed in God, proof alone is the pledge of allegiance "under god". Yes our country was founded on christian belief. Hate to say it, but it's true!

    As for the invisible man in the sky I have no clue to what you are referring.

    I see a lot of other people called this out but did you know that McCarthyism also gave us things like “in god we trust” on the money, some coins had it earlier but it was not mandatory,the prayer breakfast, the insane tax exemptions given to the church.

    I suggest you look into the era, it was a sad time of witch hunts and bully tactics. The perfect petri dish for religion.

    *** Looks like the app was removed. I cant find it.

    Not sure how I feel about that, as a ultra liberal gay friendly atheist tree hugger I depend on minority opinions being protected. I may find them sick but I'm sure people that worship invisible superheros don't like what I have to say either. We both have a right, even a duty, to stand up for what we believe in.

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  • mongoos150
    Jan 12, 04:57 PM
    Every Keynote people look WAY too much into Apple's advertising and come up with all these crazy ideas. MacBook Air :eek: Wow its made out of 100% oxygen and is invisible, has 16 cores, 4 BluRay drives, 2 HD drives and Windows Vista Pre-installed on a Bootcamp partition.

    Every time people come away disappointed because they overhyped it themselves.

    Apples advertising is done by a marketing company like anyone elses. Some of the adverts are good, some are not. There are no super secret cryptic clues. Its always quite obvious but no one sees it. There may be a little lateral thinking involved but if no one gets what they are promoting then no one will buy the products.

    "There's something in the air" clearly means there's something in the air. It's either a PowerBook G5 that runs on unleaded fuel or something to do with wireless content streaming.


    I'm sure it is something very mundane, like streaming movie rentals via iTunes.

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  • Queso
    Aug 29, 09:33 AM
    No to Merom in the mini. Core Duo in both models and a significant price drop. They are supposed to be low end machines, so give them a low end price point.

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  • RITZFit
    Apr 16, 06:44 PM
    I can drive a 18 wheeler but I haven't tried a manual car or pickup yet. I think its different. LOL

    haha, if you can master than then I'm sure any other car will be simple

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  • bigandy
    Nov 29, 01:51 PM
    Actually, I was thinking they were working on a car ;)

    oh hell yeah, the iCar? Couldn't be iDrive - that's already a BMW thing :rolleyes:

    I thought this the minute the thing was demonstrated - it'll be a whole lot more than they showed, and it'll look a whole lot different too, methinks. :)

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  • MacFanJeff
    Mar 24, 06:31 PM
    I REALLY hope Apple will support not only those cards but also the new crop of nVidia too. The reason I do not use Apple for my development is due to them never supporting the most current cards or nVidia. I am a professional 3D artist and some of my software take advantage of the "Cuda" cores on the nVidia ones. Therefore, I simply can not do without them.

    Mar 25, 07:54 PM
    So true.. I love all the bedroom coding and indie published stuff on iOS but to the big names in the industry iOS still just seems like a curiosity.. The prolonged trying to figure it all out / experimental phase is getting a little frustrating, though totally understandable. I wonder how long it'll be before we start getting more in the way of original content from the big IP holders. Original content that serves as a full game rather than a tech demo or proof of concept. They really should be savvy to the limitations of the devices by now.

    There are very good, high-quality full games on the App Store. Are you under the impression that the "big titles" are all previews and proofs-of-concept?

    We're moving way past the experimental phase. You need to sample some of the heavier-hitting titles.

    Apr 20, 08:00 AM
    I'm sure it's been done to death, but I spent some time actually thinking about realistic-ish speculations of what the new line could look like. I think they're going to get rid of one SKU ( the step up 27" without the quad i7), because it's kind of redundant, and for the $100 price difference, I can't imagine anyone NOT spending the extra modey to get the quad core). The only spec that is more of a wishful thinking piece is the inclusion of the HD6800M 1GB card in the 27" quad i7. THAT would be a beast!

    A 6800m would be a downgrade. Keep in mind the current imac with the 5750 is actually a 5850m. 6850m is a downgrade from a 5850m, though only slightly. There are only two cards they could use that are upgrades over the current one and that's the 6950m and the 6970m.

    I would also hope for the 3.4ghz i7-2600 sandy bridge processor.

    Sep 1, 12:08 PM
    hopefully it's going to look like this:


    I agree, I want an iMac like computer with the aluminum housing; looks better on my desk! ;)

    At any rate, hopefully the form factor will be thinner. I can see the 17" eventually being relegated to eMac status.

    Sep 1, 12:23 PM
    Hmph...I don't really trust masOSXrumors at all...

    You can trust AppleInsider though and they too have said 23" and Merom iMacs. Looks like pretty solid evidence now but we'll have to wait and see.

    I wonder if it'll use the same poor quality 23" panel that the ACD does.
    Well, if you like everything rose-tinted it's OK :p

    New 23" displays do not have the pink tint.

    J the Ninja
    Apr 12, 08:45 PM
    I know this thread is probably full of pro video geeks so don't eat me alive here. What's the primary difference between FCP and Express aside from the fact that Final Cut Pro is packaged in a suite of applications?

    Pretty sure FCE doesn't support 24fps, which is kinda a problem for film editing, and an increasingly bigger problem for other work as 24fps gets used more. IIRC, it doesn't have stuff like the color scopes or audio mixer either. The main difference is the suite though.

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