Tuesday, May 31, 2011

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  • remmy
    Mar 31, 03:36 PM
    Suppose the British fascination with WWII comes from the fact that it was close, we could of easily lost.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Apr 16, 09:41 PM
    While I know how to drive a car with a manual shifter, here's a BIG problem nowadays: the quality of the shifter has really gone downhill in recent years. http://www.en.kolobok.us/smiles/big_standart/negative.gif

    Unless you're driving a BMW, Honda or Porsche, gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.

    Besides, automatics and dual-clutch gearboxes--thanks to modern computer controls--have gotten really good in recent years. This is especially true with automatics that sport six to eight forward gears, which allows for a lot smoother automatic shifts between gears during acceleration. I've test-driven a 2011 US-market Hyundai Elantra saloon with Hyundai's own six-speed automatic and note how smooth the shifts are even during hard acceleration.

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  • hulugu
    May 2, 12:06 AM
    latin is dead ! Long live Apple

    Deader than the hobnails on a centurian's boot, but actually much of English grammar is derived, sometimes mistakely, from Latin forms so it's not a complete waste of time.

    Okay maybe it it, but now I know what ergo sum propter means and that quid pro quo is actually gibberish.

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  • archer75
    Apr 19, 11:45 AM
    It was rumored just prior to the macbook pro refresh that they might come with a small 16gb SSD drive just for the OS. Wouldn't surprise me to see that make it's way into an imac. Large SSD's are just too expensive and often times not big enough. And you only get a finite number of writes on them before they're garbage.

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  • lordonuthin
    Mar 5, 09:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (nokia e63: Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.2; U; Series60/3.1 NokiaE63-1/100.21.110; Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

    I've got it all running and installed, but it won't start computing! Really annoying Grr ill figure it out eventually.

    Is there an error code or something in the log?

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  • Scooterman1
    Sep 14, 11:39 AM
    I guess you don't read my posts carefully. I said what you said, that Toyota issues a recall, but the onus is on the owner to bring in the vehicle for servicing. Exactly as Apple has now done: if you experience a problem, let them know and you can get a free bumper.

    To Consumer Reports this is an unacceptable way to deal with a design flaw. If it's Apple. For Toyota, it's fine and considered the normal way to handle a design flaw.

    I just have a hard time picturing Toyota mailing me a new accelerator pedal and linkage and expecting me to install it. Wake up!

    But why should Apple provide a permanent fix when the problem hasn't affected sales too much, and they can come out with a fixed phone next year and get you to stand in line to buy it.

    Consumer Reports are doing exactly what their subscribers are paying them to do. I'm sorry if everyone isn't Apple Fanboys, but they get paid NOT to be anyone's Fanboy.

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  • rezenclowd3
    Jan 6, 12:13 AM
    I also agree with the generally expensive cost of owning a used BMW.

    I searched long and hard for my E30, and with over $14k poured into it by the last 3 owners as of last year when the work was done, I picked it up at the right time. However mine was a special case due to the engine+tranny swap.

    I wouldn't trust an E36 (91-99) much under $10k. The e30 is cheap to maintain as well as easy to work on, but due to age, if completely stock, be prepared to start pouring money into it to make it a dd again.

    Audi, I wouldn't touch used, even though they are damn cool cars, same with Mercs.

    Much is luck finding a good DD BMW as well as proper knowledge and inspections.

    Good luck finding one that you are happy with. If you get a bad feeling, or feel that the seller is less than 110% honest, just run.

    On a side note, the previous owner of my E30 that I posted on page 1 just called and offered to buy it back, and offered to do a trade + cash for his much newer e9033i (if I understood him correctly). I need to take the e30 out AutoXing first to decide...still, will give him first dibs once I decide to depart with this classic car. I think I would have to get rid of it for an E30 M3 though ;-)

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  • JGowan
    Jan 13, 01:03 AM
    I think it's going to be a tablet that slaps the crap out of the Kindle. It'll be a full on computer tablet that does eBooks, too and is totally wireless like Kindle and can surf the internet like Kindle (free, like Kindle) but, again gives Kindle a sound beating in every single way known to man.

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  • sineplex
    Sep 29, 02:13 AM
    Still satisfied with my dermashot. It really hasn't collected much dust. If your on the wall still about a silicon case, check it out.


    Thanks Bill - I just got mine in the mail today.
    You said the screen protector isn't great and I've decided to not even use a screen protector now and go naked and just use the Dermashot cover to protect the back. It looks really great, will pick up my 32GB IPT4 before the weekend.

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  • wordoflife
    Nov 27, 09:36 AM
    I bought it on a friend's store@45eur but it is available @50eur on almost every watch store.
    Check it here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtSP6Qj8PDk).

    I can get it for $65 from Swatch. I'm not sure where else I can buy it in the US. I like it, but I'm not sure how good it looks in person. I'm not sure if I am a fan of those glow in the dark hands either.

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  • Hollis
    Jul 13, 11:23 PM
    I'd think the option would come a bit later. I mean, who wants an optical drive that can currently play nothing and burn to nothing which will cost them $500-$1000 on a machine that is already very pricey.

    Theres movies on Blu-Ray already.. and you can buy discs to burn too already... I think a BTO option is perfectly reasonable.

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  • theBB
    Jul 19, 08:52 PM
    Lets see Japan lost their GOD, their king after WW2, replaced him with MacArthur who rebuilt their industry
    Actually, after WW2 Japan kept the emperor, so they had "one god talking to another [MacArthur]" for a while.

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  • Prom1
    Mar 1, 12:48 AM
    Don't quote all the pictures! haha.
    I played tenor too! :)

    Edited out all but one picture; hehe sorry about that.
    wicked you play Sax too?! I haven't played for years but i promised to buy an Alto this year - come Hell or High water!
    A small part of me has fallen asleep since I last played.

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  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 04:00 PM
    Does Lion feel much faster and more stable? I mean it�s been like 5 or 6 weeks since DP1. They had plenty of time to eliminate bugs. I�m askin cause we don�t see too much new features expect redesigned iCal.

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  • Bonte
    Apr 2, 07:34 PM
    I love this ad, it has the sentiment of the Think Different ads and shows off its technical capabilities and apps, nice work!

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 19, 09:59 PM
    Good question, I'm not sure at this point. Lets me see; the MP was doing a bigadv unit every ~46 hrs which would yield maybe ~25k per day, the i7 isn't doing so well with 3 gpu and win 7 on it, I would guess maybe 2k/day or less. It doesn't seem to slow down the gpu's fortunately.

    I wanted to ask you about oc'ing the i7, every time I tried to bump it up it started freezing or crashing, I have a water cooler on it which seems to do a really good job. I've just left it at stock but would like to try to get it higher sometime. I don't have any experience with oc'ing as I mostly stick with mac and Linux which don't have the tools/ability for oc'ing like windows does.

    ok. now do you have the 2.66 or 2.26 mac pro octo?

    for the i7, what most people do is run linux in a VM and do the bigadv units while also doing gpu units. but i wouldn't do this unless you're running at least around 3.3 ghz. i'm running around 3.6 ghz i think, and i have 2 gpu's going on mine. it slows down the bigadv units, but the gpu's make up for it.

    how are you trying to overclock now? just in the bios? that's basically just how i do it - in the bios. but that will depend on your motherboard

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  • Plymouthbreezer
    Jan 27, 01:38 PM
    Clearing off this last snowfall was awful. Least she's not buried anymore.


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 19, 01:22 PM
    yet again it goes back to who has AWACS which yet again is the US. do not have as many AWACS and AWACS are very critically for providing communication and support.

    The French and British are perfectly capable of carrying on an air war without US help (though we are undoubtedly helping). Just because our air power is greater does not mean it is locally superior either. The French are flying from French bases, so they can presumably call upon all of their resources as needed.

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  • FFTT
    Nov 18, 08:56 PM
    I think the number or cores will finally level off for a while once 8 core machines
    become mainstream.

    The next goal will be production refinements like 45 nm production for greater energy efficiency.

    Software developers will need to re-train or hire new software engineers who know how to take advantage of multi-core architecture.

    The big question for those who must have the newest, most powerful system will be how much RAM they'll need to take advantage of the new architecture.

    There are quite a few audio/video production professionals wondering how all this
    will help to improve their workflow capabilties.

    Sep 6, 06:36 PM
    The most important insight from all of these 'rumors' is that Apple MUST have something more to discuss on Tuesday than simply the release of the Movie Store. With Amazon trumping Apple on content and major questions outstanding about quality and DRM, it would be a big mistake to hold a major press event just for that.

    Clearly, the new iPod AND a media streaming/center device is on tap, otherwise this event will go on record as the biggest flop in Apple SE history.

    Jan 12, 01:36 PM
    ................... I hardly EVER use my optical drive. Why am I carrying it everywhere I go?

    Here, here! Though I use the optical drive plenty at home or in the office, I have never carried my laptop to a place with the intention of using or playing a cd or dvd. I would love the option to have a slimmed down macbook. In fact, I might carry it around even more just because it's that much easier to do.

    Apr 21, 11:24 AM
    The people who are truly concerned about their privacy, for whatever reason that may be, know that this issue pales in comparison to everything else.

    Sep 15, 09:00 AM
    No, you are missing the point. Yes auto manufactures have recalls all the time and yes the customer has to come in to get it fixed on previous purchases. HOWEVER, they also fix all NEW automobiles before continue to sell to new customers. Apple isn't doing that, and that is CR's complaint.

    If it was a safety issue, as with cars, Apple would do the same thing. But it's not, so it's silly to to conflate the two. That was not the intent of my analogy, and that's being missed by those focusing on the trees.

    Mar 1, 05:42 PM
    Some people have ridiculously tidy desks, wheres all your stuff? I wish I could keep my desk as tidy as most of the people on here!

    If your one of the people with stupidly tidy desks, does it genuinely look like that all the time? Or did you throw all the stuff on the floor, take the photo and throw it all back again?

    The main portion of my desk is clean, the little part off to my left is not. Now if only the rest of the house would be clean like that...

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