Tuesday, May 31, 2011

fail funnies

fail funnies. Fail Funnies – Epic Failures
  • Fail Funnies – Epic Failures

  • ArtOfWarfare
    Apr 12, 09:42 PM
    Better yet, 9 to 5 mac has a video stream.


    This is working equally not well.

    fail funnies. more funny fail pictures at
  • more funny fail pictures at

  • Dillenger
    Apr 2, 08:45 PM
    A nice change.

    fail funnies. Picture via Fail Funnies.
  • Picture via Fail Funnies.

  • aiqw9182
    Apr 12, 09:09 PM
    Fine. You all go and apply to work at a post house and put "iMovie" on your resume. See how long it takes for them to laugh you out the door.

    I haven't really used iMovie since HD, so to be honest I don't really care what they do to it. It's "Super quick to capture and edit DV" time has come and gone.

    What the hell are you talking about? I use iMovie for home videos and I use Final Cut at work. If you don't use something then you shouldn't be bitching about it.

    fail funnies. I think it is pretty funny how
  • I think it is pretty funny how

  • PaperQueen
    Oct 2, 06:53 PM
    My dermashot case came in on Friday.. been using it since.

    My initial thoughts - this case looks cheap and has a loose feel.

    My thoughts now - the case has a nice style and even though it is not as snug as it should be, it fits fine. It has not fallen off at all and has a real nice feel too.

    As one of the first to get the Dermashot (see earlier posts in this thread), I’ve been living with it for a while now...and the loose fit has really become annoying. Sometimes, I have to “feel around” to get the power to toggle off since the button doesn’t want to stay properly aligned with the corresponding “lump” on the case.

    The one upside is that it does keep its nice jet black finish—isn’t a dust or fingerprint magnet like others.

    My quest for the perfect case continues...... :(

    fail funnies. Fail Funnies - Unbelievable
  • Fail Funnies - Unbelievable

  • spyderracer393
    Nov 27, 02:34 PM
    Wow, for the first time ever I actually beat MacRumors: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?p=3095478#post3095478

    I think a 17" model would be a good idea for Apple. It'll stop people buying Minis from getting their LCD fix from elsewhere to some extent and won't cost Apple a bean in R&D costs since they already use 17" panels in the iMac and have all the internals ready because of the 20" and 23" ACDs. It would only need a different sized chassis to be designed.

    dude you may have "beaten them" by getting on the front page, but I sent this tip in this morning at 8 AM and it was not from digitimes, it was from industry resources and factories in Asia so HA I beat you.

    fail funnies. Epic Fail funny picture
  • Epic Fail funny picture

  • snberk103
    Apr 10, 07:21 PM
    Really, is there even someone who doesn't know how to drive an automatic ? It's pretty self-explanatory, not much of a learning curve shifting from Park to Drive and hitting the gas. ...

    When I was in University my buddy told me the following story - he swore it was true.

    His mom drove a manual (and had only every driven manuals), and he had an automatic. One day he was driving her back from the garage where she had left her car for servicing and mom asked if she could drive his car because she wanted to see what it was like.

    Naturally, it took her all of 30 seconds to figure it out (though he did note that mom kept trying to depress the clutch, even if she wasn't trying to shift.) Everything was fine, they were sailing through the traffic, and then mom wanted to stop at a store and run some errands. This meant parallel parking since they were still in town. He was a bit worried, because trying to parallel park a strange car is always a bit challenging, and sons always think their mothers are not the best parkers.

    And this is what she did. She pulled up right next to an open spot, put on her turn signal, and put the car into (P)ark. She then started goosing the gas. My buddy was looking at his mom, quizzically. Mom was staring at the open spot next them intently, and revving the engine. Finally he asked her what she was doing. It seems she thought that the (P)ark meant that the car 'automatically parked' itself by moving 90� to the side. You told the car which way to go (left or right) via the turn signals.

    My buddy explained that that was not how it worked. Mom sighed - pulled up a 1/2 car length, popped it into (R)erverse and parked his car smooth as butter - turned to him and commented that if an "automatic" car with (P)ark couldn't park itself, then what was the point.

    Far as know, she drove a manual for the rest of her life. I don't know if he was ever sure whether is mom was pulling his leg or not.

    fail funnies. fail funnies. funny fails.
  • fail funnies. funny fails.

  • twoodcc
    May 3, 11:07 AM
    I don't use my 09 MP for anything real intense but even having several apps going it doesn't take anything out of folding, I get the same times regardless.

    so running things like itunes and iphoto, and surfing the web, things are fine?

    fail funnies. MONDAY FAIL FUNNIES

  • PBF
    Mar 30, 10:33 PM
    Are you able to download System Voices in DP2?

    fail funnies. Fail Funnies - Unbelievable
  • Fail Funnies - Unbelievable

  • kepner
    Mar 31, 01:30 AM
    Are you able to download System Voices in DP2?

    No, unfortunately.

    fail funnies. bomber fail funnies
  • bomber fail funnies

  • Tomorrow
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    ^^ Ach, Miata. *shudder*

    I try, as a rule, not to drive or ride in a car smaller than myself. :D

    fail funnies. Soccer Fail Funny Football
  • Soccer Fail Funny Football

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 2, 08:24 PM
    I started a thread about the new Passat and Jetta a little while back. Basically, the new Jetta is bigger, costs less, and uses cheaper materials. People expecting Golf-like levels of refinement and build quality will be disappointed.

    And it went from looking like nothing else to looking like everything else.

    I don't find it ugly, necessarily, but when I see one, I always think "Corolla!" - until I get closer, and then I think "Kia!"

    fail funnies. fail funnies videos
  • fail funnies videos

  • charlituna
    Apr 2, 09:31 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Virtually every unit huh.

    Well I have seen tons of postings all over about 'I got the new ipad' with no mention of said problems.

    I bought one opening weekend for home use and one last week for work with nada. All nine of the cast on my current gig have problem less iPad 2s, plus the office has gotten close to 100 units all with no issues.

    Perhaps by 'virtually every' you mean 'not even one percent of what has been sold' because that is probably the real number

    fail funnies. Fail Funnies - Unbelievable
  • Fail Funnies - Unbelievable

  • mozmac
    Jul 18, 02:56 PM
    The more I think about this, the more I like it. Apple has a lot of potential here. If they offered a rent and rent to own service, that would be optimal.

    fail funnies. Check website failfunnies.com
  • Check website failfunnies.com

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Jan 12, 12:07 PM
    300C img...
    Still fantastic. :D And gorgeous!

    Sweet ride + great "color." A 300C will be my next car, probably after I graduate college in a year-ish, unless I find one for a great price before / my current car poops out.

    My 2001 LHS has over 155,000 miles, and it will be nice to upgrade to a Hemi with lower miles.

    fail funnies. Tags: crazy funny fail
  • Tags: crazy funny fail

  • macintel4me
    Sep 1, 03:29 PM
    Ignore the name Mac Pro, People I give you the 23" iMac!!!
    That is soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!
    Except you forgot the FrontRow IR port and that's at 30" and a 23" according to the description. :p

    fail funnies. Biking Fail
  • Biking Fail

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 12, 09:12 PM
    You can follow this link
    Looks nice!

    fail funnies. Fail Funnies - Unbelievable
  • Fail Funnies - Unbelievable

  • Will_reed
    Jul 18, 02:21 AM
    Rental is such a dumb idea Maybe purchase but I've seen the quality of the video on the music store and personally I don't think it's worth the money.

    fail funnies. This week in funny FAIL
  • This week in funny FAIL

  • IbisDoc
    Mar 25, 04:26 PM
    Playing that game with the HDMI dongle thingy hanging off an iPad looks, um, not ideal. Now, if it could stream it using AirPlay.

    The delay would make that option unworkable.

    fail funnies. Gay Fail – secret#39;s
  • Gay Fail – secret#39;s

  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 22, 12:24 PM
    Apple is paying the price for the crap it did early on and still is doing with no clear rules on what is approved and disapproved.
    Inconsistently rejecting apps.

    Apple should never of gotten in the screening business and now they are trying to back out.

    Aug 29, 10:12 AM
    We probably won't see a Core 2 Mini until but that just fine for me because that's when the Intel GMA X3000 will be ready.


    It looks like the GMA X3000 is ready to go now, but a Yonah coupled with a X3000 IGP would still make the Mini a great machine.

    Sep 1, 11:57 AM
    Whatever, PLEASE PLEASE more than 2gb limit ! I am waiting for a new Imac (have my 20" intel Imac from my studio room presently in my office after selling my G5 and have been holding on for the post WWDC launch window... really don't want to wait until net year and the PowerMac replacements will be too noisy.

    Charlie Sheen
    Mar 24, 01:04 PM
    next step amd cpus

    Mar 25, 07:46 PM
    Ahaha, it's so much like a DS, I don't even.



    May 2, 08:13 PM
    Haha so many mad fanboys. " APL Y U RUIN MY OSX"

    LOL...All your apps are belong to us!

    This is dumb...but then, since when is Apple about intuitiveness, consistency and ergonomic efficiency?

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