Tuesday, May 31, 2011

computer backgrounds wallpaper

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  • groovebuster
    Apr 11, 01:39 AM
    The only automatic I've ever owned was a car that was only ever made in auto form: a Jaguar XK8. Fortunately in the UK most mainstream cars are still available in manual.

    There is another disturbing trend though: many modern manual cars (VAG group cars I'm look at you) won't let you use all three pedals at once. This is terrible for the spirited driver as you cannot heal and toe down the box. Kills the slight enjoyment one might get from driving a bland hatchback like a Golf.

    It is only a question of how fast you can shift and how good your are with the clutch and the throttle. There is no need to use all three pedals at once, when you know what you are doing. If you want proof, come over to my place and I will go fast with you on some country roads with and you won't even notice that I am shifting gears, except from the different noise the engine is doing.

    In the old times "Heel and Toe" was interesting especially for Rallye drivers who wanted to get the RWD car into a controlled drift by using the throttle and the brake at the same time. Something you will not be able to do with a FWD Golf anyway.

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  • gri
    Apr 19, 11:33 AM
    The iMac update is likely to be a spec bump, Sandy Bridge, better Graphics, etc...plus Thunderbolt. I plan to hang on to my current model for now.

    I am more excited about a potential Mac Mini Update, because I need one of those.

    And what prey makes you excited about an upcoming mini update? Or are you just hoping?

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  • cocky jeremy
    Apr 2, 03:20 AM
    AirDrop wasn't on Preview 1 for me. (2008 iMac, C2D) and is now showing up on Preview 2. This wasn't specific folder older models, i don't think. It appeared to be random, as far as the machines it did and didn't show up on. So i'm not sure about others..

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  • swingerofbirch
    Jul 19, 04:32 PM
    How could the analysts be off by almost a billion dollars? Are they held to account for this?

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  • peapody
    Nov 28, 09:20 AM
    Well that MBA didn't last too long. How come you're bailing on it?

    I didn't even open the MBA to be honest. Bailing because it was $1500 haha. And I just couldn't bring myself to have a second computer that is that price with those specs. And I have a feeling in my bones that the resale value will suck on the first gen 11.6".

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  • Passante
    Sep 7, 09:09 AM
    I checked around at comp usa, best buy and even the apple store to see if the mini's they had in stock would be reduced in price because of the new ones that came out.

    Best buy and Comp USA had no clue that new models were released and would not budge in price. I dont know what the apple store policy is.

    Shouldnt comp usa and best buy reduce the price of the core solo minis they have left?
    At the apple store today. There were core solos there yesterday for $499 ( I think)
    Refurbished Mac mini 1.66GHz Intel Core Duo $649
    512MB memory (667MHz DDR2 SDRAM)
    80GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0
    Apple Remote
    Learn More

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  • RBD2
    Sep 14, 10:44 AM

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 1, 12:59 PM
    MacOSXrumors??? There is, if anything, negative correlation between their predictions and reality.

    What Apple had damn well BETTER announce then is Merom MacBook Pros. It's inexplicable that they have not done so already.

    Now that Appleinsider is reporting it as well, this rumor holds more credence.

    I don't think such an endeavor for a new iMac would negatively impact C2D MBP's from becoming available in the next couple of weeks, at least I hope not because that's what I really want more than anything. This possible new 23" iMac is a sexy concept though.

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  • chutch15
    Sep 12, 03:12 PM
    I just picked up the Belkin Grip Vue at BestBuy in Wilmington, DE. Very pleased.

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  • Compile 'em all
    Jan 5, 08:27 AM
    BTW, right-clicking on an Apple notebook is now awesome! The "two-fingers on trackpad" click is great, and actually easier than having two buttons IMO.

    Do you have any idea if it is possible to get such a feature working on non-intel machines (e.g powerbook G4)?

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  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:39 AM
    So the only way to use a thumb drive or download photos from a camera or sync your iPod/iPhone is through your dock when you're at home???

    This IS the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while.

    Yeah I guess there are a lot of problems with this.

    But how cool would it be if the sides were completely clean. Maybe they could have a USB and audio output one the side that has a cover that slides over when it is not being used.

    I remember when wifi came out and there were all of these commercials about how there were no wires.

    But now there will never be any wires ever.

    I am just wishful thinking and do not actually know about the complexity that this kind of charging entails but it sounds cool if it worked.

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Mar 22, 10:22 AM

    "gay cure app"

    now this is gold right there

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  • Compile 'em all
    Apr 3, 06:31 AM
    I like.

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  • PBF
    Apr 2, 11:40 PM
    Actually, I'm talking about JUST the content within the window, and only Safari Fullscreen Mode can do it. I'll post a pic...
    Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying. That's new. By the way, it works from both left and right sides. Neat.


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  • Multimedia
    Nov 17, 07:33 PM
    IMO, what Apple really needs is a system between the Mac Pro and iMac. A smaller tower or cube style system with a single Kentsfield or Clovertown CPU with 2 or 3 PCI-E slots, two HDD bays, optical bay and using cheaper, more conventional RAM - like up to 8GB DDR2. Apple is ignoring an entire segment of the market and it seems like they're trying to use the small difference in price between a maxed-out 24" iMac and a relatively low-end Mac Pro as justification for nothing in the middle.I agree. Apple's view of the market is very strange. They seem to think their customers either only want an all-in-one two core solution or an extremely expensive top of the line 4 or 8 core solution. Hopefully Kentsfield will find a home in a new Mac line in 2007.

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  • rjohnstone
    Apr 26, 01:31 PM
    It mostly has to do with if it is confusing. Apple has a trade mark on "App Store" to sell applications through an online store. Amazon is using "Appstore" and is selling applications through an online store. Apple has a pretty strong case that Amazon is infringing on their trademark. If Amazon used "Appstore" for a chain of tire rotating store, Amazon could probably be in the clear. As it stands they are too close in intended use. Microsofts strategy is to invalidate the trademark. It's up to the USPTO to decide on the trademark.

    Apple doesn't have the trademark yet.
    It's still in the opposition phase. ;)

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  • codymac
    Apr 11, 01:20 PM
    That said, VW/Audi`s DSG semi auto`s are excellent.

    So are their manual gearboxes.

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  • EagerDragon
    Jul 19, 07:20 PM
    All this fear that iPod and MAcs are in a down turn. Apple will blow them away real soon. They don't sleep on their Laurel unless they don't have a choice.

    Wonder what will happen to the stock tomorrow?

    Too bad im broke and could not buy any.

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  • lordonuthin
    Dec 23, 06:03 PM
    New work units are on the way (http://folding.typepad.com/)

    Just have to wait to see what the ppd will be.

    Mar 19, 09:45 AM
    Must we get involved in this? Can't France do something for once by themselves, or any other european nations for that matter? When was the last time they even fired a weapon? You know, the taliban were once known as freedom fighters too. I'm so sick of these countries, let them self destruct, maybe some day they will choose to civilize themselves. Please, no more US to the rescue, and then they all wonder why many Americans have a feeling of exceptionalism. :rolleyes:

    Jul 19, 04:49 PM
    No, 75% of Macs sold in the last 3 months were Intels

    That's exactly what I meant. I still think that's very impressive.

    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

    Mar 1, 02:01 AM
    mac pro, tripple monitors running off a 5770 :D

    Aug 7, 04:09 AM
    Why does the counter on MR homepage say it starts today?

    Is that the official opening time with the main event i.e. Keynote Tuesday?

    Excuse my ignorance but right up till now I thought it started Tuesday. I even saw a page on Apples site that had the week planner on it for WWDC. :confused: Maybe I was too excited and missed Monday?

    Steve Jobs Headlines Keynote Address and Leopard Preview (http://developer.apple.com/wwdc/schedules/monday_am.html)

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