Wednesday, June 1, 2011

wallpaper de carros

wallpaper de carros. wallpaper de carros. fotos
  • wallpaper de carros. fotos

  • vincenz
    Feb 20, 03:31 PM

    Who's the gal? ;)

    wallpaper de carros. Se vc é apaixonado por carros
  • Se vc é apaixonado por carros

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 07:33 PM
    Hey twoodcc, when did you sneak past lyzardking, I totally missed it, congrats for making it to 3rd place! And you're at about 1200th place overall, won't be long before you get to 3 digits!

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper carros
  • wallpaper carros

  • kultschar
    Mar 26, 09:49 AM
    I don't think the problem here is cost. Lots of people want an iPad, so this is like a fringe benefit. It's more about logistics. I don't think it makes sense to run two screens, and tether an iPad to the TV.

    Heh, true, I use my iPhone as a Netflix player. Yet, I don't have to hold the iPhone to do it. I just set it up and enjoy the movie. An iPad is a nice tablet, but not a great controller.

    I think a USB controller, going to the iPad 2 - that's connected to a TV - makes more sense. Then, it's like a real gaming console. Another possibility... the iPad 2 camera could be used for motion detection. Then, the gaming can be like the Wii or XBOX 360 Kinect.

    My problem here is the cable � HDMI cables are usually short.

    This is progress though.

    I'm not bashing the iPad. I think it's cool. It's clearly the leader in the tablet market. Yet, I don't think this is the direction to go for gaming. I think the Apple TV makes more sense.

    Apple TV � With a Camera � and that changes things.
    FaceTime, Games, Apps on the TV.

    But again, the controller is the problem. Apple is not leading here. It should set the standard, not let developers create Frankenstein gaming consoles. This isn't the Pipen. Apple has a strong opportunity to enter the game console space. I don't see a reason to delay.

    Hmm - Apple TV with similar storage e.g. 32GB, 64GB, the ATV remote also acting as the gamepad (kinda like the wii control)

    Games are compatible with both iPad and Apple TV (only buy once) and have the choice to play them on iPad or on ATV!!!

    Sync from iTunes to put the games on both devices!

    Now that would be cool - games are relatively cheap compared to consoles etc and they can also be used wit your iPhone and iPad (all Universal)

    wallpaper de carros. Wallpaper Carros
  • Wallpaper Carros

  • Kenso
    Mar 22, 03:48 PM
    They should make brief questions to Steve Jobs the same way he answers:

    Q: Apple killing iPod?

    Sent from my iPhone

    A: We have no plans to

    Sent from my iPhone


    wallpaper de carros. fotos de carros.
  • fotos de carros.

  • Tmelon
    Apr 4, 07:34 PM
    Then don't use full screen �? No one is forcing it on you.

    I use full screen for mail on my 27". Would be useless to put Safari on FS on that size, but I can see why it would be useful on an 11" Air.

    Similar with me. I have a 13" Macbook which really benefits from the ability to go into fullscreen. The extra screen space makes it much easier to concentrate. But when I'm at home I have it plugged into a 24" monitor I don't have a need for it.

    wallpaper de carros. fotos de carros perrones.
  • fotos de carros perrones.

  • iStudentUK
    Apr 8, 04:31 AM
    Well, they don't necessarily need to field troops that shoot rifles. Having a ground force can mean a lot of different things, including spec ops. I think one feasible solution may be to have US troops field artillery. This might be one of those opportunites to test "smart artillery" on those trenches near civilians and hospitals. They might also try to blow up more tanks so they can sell them more refurbished M1 Abrams later. I think smart artillery is more economical than aerial bombing runs to blow up some cheap russian tanks.

    That would be one option. I've said all along that the amount of firepower available to NATO forces is overkill! They are fighting an outdated force which has suffered massive desertion. I've seen these smart shells before, they are very good.

    Special Ops are already on the ground, although not officially of course! According to anonymous sources UKSF have been on the ground since well before the airstrikes began, I'm sure the US is the same. I don't really count special forces as having troops on the ground, they are quite different. The UK also has 800 Royal Marines (sort of half way between US Marines and Navy SEALS) on short notice to deploy in the case of a humanitarian crisis.

    wallpaper de carros. Foto de um carro Ford Mustang
  • Foto de um carro Ford Mustang

  • Rot'nApple
    Apr 2, 08:16 PM
    Did this ad make anyone else misty-eyed, or is it just me? Anyone?

    wallpaper de carros. Papel de Parede de Carros
  • Papel de Parede de Carros

  • SockRolid
    Jun 22, 01:17 PM
    From Wikipedia on "touch screens" -

    'The proposition is that human arm held in an unsupported horizontal position rapidly becomes fatigued and painful, the so-called "gorilla arm". It is often cited as a prima facie example of what not to do in ergonomics.'

    It doesn't really matter whether a touch-screen iMac runs Mac OS X or iOS. It will be uncomfortable to use for more than a few minutes. Unless the screen is more horizontal than vertical. And just look how well that worked out for Microsoft Surface (aka Big-Ass Table.)

    So I'm not sure exactly how beneficial a touch-screen iMac would be for Apple or its developers or its users. If it runs iOS, would there be yet another class of apps in the App Store? For full-screen iMac apps? And if it runs Mac OS X, wouldn't it be better to simply replace the Magic Mouse with the Magic Trackpad? (And keep the non-touch screen?)

    If anything, I see a convergence of the user experience of Apple's MacBooks and desktop Macs. The keyboards are already virtually identical. Maybe the Magic Mouse was just an interim step toward the Magic Trackpad...

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper carros.
  • wallpaper carros.

  • mikolia
    Sep 7, 08:00 AM
    I checked around at comp usa, best buy and even the apple store to see if the mini's they had in stock would be reduced in price because of the new ones that came out.

    Best buy and Comp USA had no clue that new models were released and would not budge in price. I dont know what the apple store policy is.

    Shouldnt comp usa and best buy reduce the price of the core solo minis they have left?

    wallpaper de carros. Wallpaper Carros esportivos
  • Wallpaper Carros esportivos

  • clj7
    Jan 7, 03:43 AM
    Here's my first and only car I've ever "owned". It's a 1.2 litre Corsa SXI 2001. It was initially bought as a learner car for me and my sisters to start learning in. I passed 2 years ago, and since then it's only me who's been driving the car. My big sister has her own car now, and my little sister won't be starting for another year.

    So at the moment it's just me who's using the car, so I get to use it in University - which makes me very lucky I believe.

    And I also took this picture this morning. A fresh wave of snow has just arrived in Wales, just when I thought I had seen the last of the snow last week.:(

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper de carros. domingo,
  • wallpaper de carros. domingo,

  • Zargot
    Aug 25, 09:00 AM
    Has Dell or any other PC manufacturer started shipping Merom notebooks or Conroe PC's?

    I haven't seen any Merom notebooks but the Conroe desktops have been shipping for a couple of weeks now.

    wallpaper de carros. fotos de carros modificados.
  • fotos de carros modificados.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 31, 03:28 PM
    The American obsession with WWII simply isn't healthy.

    Admittedly, the Brits aren't very good at letting it go either.

    It's a fascinating subject, but also an unhealthy obsession for both nations. Also, the literature on the subject is bloated with bad research, crazed theories and revisionism.

    wallpaper de carros. Wallpaper Carros
  • Wallpaper Carros

    Nov 27, 02:08 PM
    Lebron viii south beach

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper de carros. fotos de
  • wallpaper de carros. fotos de

  • dalvin200
    Oct 23, 08:45 AM
    well i hope it happens this week. but i'll believe it when i see it

    i saw it in my dream.. does that count? ;)

    wallpaper de carros. carros wallpaper.
  • carros wallpaper.

  • rxse7en
    Nov 29, 03:25 PM
    Ws there any mention of iTV's HD capabilities?

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper de carros.
  • wallpaper de carros.

  • Daveoc64
    Mar 19, 11:50 PM
    It takes a really strong mentality to step away from your personal beliefs for the greater good of our country and uphold the constitution.

    Step back and think for a minute.

    This App is called:

    "Exodus Intl"

    It's also available in many different countries.

    Your constitution is worth no more than this forum post here.

    Nor is the US constitution worth anything on the App Store.

    Attitudes to both religion and homosexuality are very different here in the UK, just as they are in many other countries.

    Several court rulings have placed the rights of Gay people above the rights of people holding religious beliefs.

    Apple should consider that when approving apps.

    wallpaper de carros. fotos de carros modificados.
  • fotos de carros modificados.

  • iWonderwhy
    Apr 2, 08:47 PM
    What makes this commercial so awesome is that they didn't throw the technical specifications in your face (RAM, storage, etc) like some of the other competitors have.

    wallpaper de carros. wallpaper carros. CARRO - II
  • wallpaper carros. CARRO - II

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 29, 03:24 PM
    I also think that making the mini bigger makes sense. I mean the Cube was a wonderful design and a few times larger than the mini.

    Both of them have external power supplies, which from an esthetic point of view isn't the most pleasing. A larger design could potentially include an interal power supply, although it might make it a good deal nosier, I'm not sure.

    wallpaper de carros. Wallpaper também conhecido por
  • Wallpaper também conhecido por

  • SamEllens
    Apr 12, 09:02 PM
    I received an email from Avid yesterday offering FCP owners an opportunity to buy Media Composer for $995. If I had the cash, I'd probably jump on it.

    I work professionally on both and I would never get MC for personal use. If given a choice I'd pick FCP every time. AVID (5.5, the latest) crashed on me 3 times today - I've found FCP extremely stable on my systems.

    Dec 30, 12:03 AM
    it seems like most people are dying for HD over here. <snip> I don�t think anyone anticipated the demand for HD. People watch programs they normally wouldn�t if it�s HD.It's possible to both be quite right here. HD is underestimated, but having greater demand than expected is a separate issue to overall market size.

    Anyway, as you say... there are 2 separate markets - the 2 evolutions of PayTV are "on demand", and HD (or both together). People who have invested in a top notch TV will easily pay for HD players (like an iTV-HD). Others may just want to watch what they want, when they want it.

    If Apple only releases a HD system, and it costs a premium, I won't end up buying it. I'd be paying for a premium that I couldn't take advantage of. And besides, at the moment the iTS sells 640x480 anyway.

    Digital 480p isn�t bad, but it�s 4:3 aspect.Really, is that what you're doing in the US?

    We've got Digital 576i in Australia as our standard definition, but it's in the 16:9 aspect ratio. Apple can choose whatever combination they want, I'm sure.

    Nov 29, 09:50 PM
    I question the validity of a 17" stand-alone widescreen. Doesn't make sense, IMO. A 20" is already fairly compact and provides little more area and takes up no more room than a 17" 4:3 display.

    As for pricing, I agree on some of what you posted -- the prices definitely need to go DOWN. What I don't agree with are the prices you posted -- even if Apple keeps a 20% premium over brands like Samsung, the prices should look more like:

    17" - $269
    20" - $349
    24" - $629
    30" - $1,699

    ...Like I said, those would be premium prices and are a good 10 to 20% higher than the going rate for good monitors with current panels (Samsung/Dell). Also with the next monitor revision, you can expect Apple to dump the 23" in favor of a 24" panel.

    Or since Apple likes prices sort of clean make it

    17" $299
    20" $499
    24" $899
    30" $1699

    Apple would still be completely ripping everyone off, it would just be close enough to reality where people might be inclined to bite.

    Clive At Five
    Nov 28, 10:15 AM
    He has a point about the XBox... It did start out slower but now is surely considered a predominant player in the market (no pun intended;) ).

    The only difference is that the XBox actually works...

    ...and Zune...


    So, yeah. I mean, I'd never buy an XBox, but it's still a viable option, nonetheless.


    Jan 10, 09:09 PM
    i personaly would go wiht the ipod becuse it is made by apple witch always makes it that much better

    Phil A.
    Apr 11, 06:34 AM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?

    As others have said, they are far from rare outside of the USA. Personally, I've driven several automatic cars (both over here in the UK and in the USA) and much prefer a manual gearbox: I like the better control and flexibility to change up when I want to rather than when the car thinks I should.
    With a manual box, you don't have to think about "sport mode" or "economy mode" settings for gear changes: you just do it when you want to :)
    The only time I think an auto works is on a diesel car / truck: Diesel engines have such a poor power range that with a manual you find yourself constantly changing gear just to keep the thing moving (I personally hate diesel cars with a passion but that's a different debate ;) )

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